Man Can’t Figure Out Who’s Having His Lunch Until He Sets Up Camera And The Culprit Appears

I’m such a grazer! I’m like a deer in the woods, always munching away on bits of grass and bugs between meals, or after meals, sometimes even before meals! I always have a scrap of food on me wherever I go, keeping a stash of protein bars in my purse or leaving a bucket of hummus in the fridge at the office. I know that I can get hungry at the drop of a hat, so I’m always prepared. I’ve always got a little foodie backup wherever I go!

But the number one rule, to me at least because apparently there are people who are above the law, is that you don’t eat other people’s food – especially at the workplace. Doesn’t this go without saying? This is part of the foodie code of conduct!

There are some serious lawbreakers who don’t give a rat’s tail about eating their colleague’s lunches. If they can get by undetected, no one will ever know, and they get to walk out with a nice meal. Resorting to “anti-theft” precautions like writing your name on your sandwich, or placing threatening memos on the fridge can help deter lunch time thievery. Talk about creative solutions, I once knew a colleague who drilled a hole in the bottom of his mug with a special fitting plug only he had access to, thereby causing a giant leak all over the desk of the person who stole it! It’s pretty genius if you ask me.

But then there are some times when your lunch disappears without a trace. You have no idea who took it. It’s an unexplained phenomenon. That’s what happened to this guy whose lunch seems to have mysteriously vanished out of thin air, right out of his lunchbox. No one was fessing up and he really wanted an explanation. Well, he got one after he set up a camera.

It wasn’t Nancy from accounting or Bryan from client services. Oh no, it was a sneaky crow who managed to break his way into the lunchbox – and with ease, I might mention! This smart bird was able to open the lid, fish around and pluck out a small container of food. He digs around to produce what looks like a sauce packet, and that seems to make him happy. He flies off with it in his beak and calls it a successful day! Little bugger!

Click below to watch this slick bird cash in on someone else’s lunch. If it weren’t for this footage, I can see how it would be a terribly confounding situation to be in!

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