Dog Tracks Her Owner 15 Blocks Away At The Hospital

As humans, it is difficult to truly understand the depth of the love and devotion that our dogs feel for us. I know that even though I love my dogs very much and would do nearly anything for them, I take for granted that they love me unconditionally. There is nothing that I could do that would cause them to see me as anything other than the most wonderful and most important person on the planet.

This kind of devotion seems difficult to understand unless you consider that even though as humans we have a great, big world, to our dogs we are their entire world. People have a lot on their plates, like jobs, families, friends, homes, and a million little things to think about and take care of on a daily basis. Our dogs only have us to worry about. 

You may get up and go to work every day, battling traffic on your commute, doing something important and fulfilling at your job, talking to countless people, and then coming home tired after a long day. Your dog simply waited for you to come home. Sometimes, it can be a little sad to think about, but this is part of their extreme devotion to their human best friends.

Over time, even my rescue dog with separation anxiety learned that when I leave the house I will eventually return and that I will not leave him for too long. But, if I were to suddenly disappear for days and he didn’t know why I’m sure that he would be very upset about my absence.

Sissy the Schnauzer didn’t know why her human didn’t come home. No one could explain to her that her owner, Nancy Franck from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, had to stay in the hospital for complications following cancer surgery. Her little dogs, Sissy and Barney, just didn’t know why she wasn’t home with them and they were very worried.

So, when Nancy’s husband let Sissy out in the backyard to go to the bathroom, she decided to take things into her own paws and go looking for her owner. She traveled around 15-20 blocks and at least two miles to miraculously show up at that hospital where Nancy was staying. Nancy’s husband was understandably panicked when a call to the animal shelter turned up nothing but was relieved when he received a call from the hospital — Sissy was safe and had found Nancy.

Watch the incredible story in the video below and please like and share this tale of devotion!


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