Dogs Are Put To The Test In Staged Burglar Scenario

Big, gigantic, little, hyper, furry, fluffy – dogs come in all shapes and sizes and degrees of fierceness. Part of it is personality, but it’s also how you raise them and what they went through in their little doggy life to get them to where they are today. A dog who was mistreated might be a little angrier than one who had a doting owner. It’s assumed that all dogs have the ability to attack and be aggressive especially pit bulls, but that’s a stereotype, right?

In this hilarious video, owners put their beloved four-legged furry friends to the test, to see if they’ve got it in them to protect their owners. The results are very, very surprising!

“Inside Edition” teams up with K9-1 Specialized Dog Training to put owner’s dogs on the spot. In the face of danger, will the pooch ward off the burglar during a break and entry or assault? These owners wanted to find out. In a controlled setting, with the owner’s permission, one of the guard dog specialists dons head to toe black protection and “breaks in” while the owner puts on some acting skills to simulate a real burglary. There’s yelling, and screaming and plates being thrown, as the dogs do one of two things, fight or flight.

The first dog, Perry the five-year-old yellow lab, isn’t so brave. The specialist breaks in, and “attacks” Perry’s owner. While it’s going down, Perry tucks in her tail and heads straight for the door. The second instance isn’t too different. Ruby, a four-year-old pit bull lab mix, takes one look at the home invasion go down, and rather than jump in like I would assume a pit bull would, she pokes her head in, appears to be curious and maybe a little concerned, only to run away in the opposite direction!

It’s the third example where the dogs actually do something, and they’re the smallest, one of them, a Chihuahua. Frodo and Doby are two small dogs, but when they see their owner getting attacked, they work together to break up the situation. Frodo does a guard technique called “splitting” where the dog gets in between the attacker and the victim, defusing the situation. The specialist says, “Once they realized something was wrong, they really both stepped up.” Who knew a teeny Chihuahua would be brave enough to get involved!

Click below to watch this really interesting experiment that just goes to show you can’t always make snap judgments about size!

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