Reporter Is In Middle Of Newscast When He Jumps Into Water To Save Dolphin

Hurricane Irma will be reaching its one year anniversary towards the end of August. This hurricane was one of the most powerful storms in the Atlantic region and damaged everything in its path. Unfortunately, this disaster led to the deaths of many people as well.

However, the land wasn’t the only thing affected. Animals were affected by Hurricane Irma, too, and more specifically, our friends under the sea. Despite the sadness that this storm may have brought upon people, the video down below, thankfully, has a happy ending.

A reporter for NBC, Kerry Sanders, was on the beach of Marco Island to report the disaster. He was just there to do his job, and as he was looking around the island, taking in the damage the storm had caused, he saw something that wasn’t in place. When Kerry and his team got close enough, they saw that a baby dolphin had strayed onto the shore. What happened next warmed our hearts, along with the hundreds of thousands of people who saw this video.

Most people would’ve stared at the dolphin with wide eyes, not quite sure about what to do. They may have called someone to help, but Kerry came to the scene and took matters in his own hands. He was determined to save the dolphin on his own.

Kerry, with his team, dragged the dolphin back into the water. He stays there with the baby dolphin in his hands, as he drags it deeper and deeper into the water despite the waves coming toward them. The water is at his shoulders, but still, he drags the dolphin deeper, turning away at the sight of waves that crash into to him.

Despite seeing the larger waves, he doesn’t swim away, but rather ducks underneath the wave so that it doesn’t wash him back toward the shore.

Another clip shows a different view of Kerry, and the man recording says that the dolphin is tired and that’s why the reporter is carrying it to safety.

Eventually, he lets go of the dolphin, but the waves are still too strong for it to go further. Every time the animal tries to go past the waves, they end up pushing it back.

The dolphin keeps fighting and does make it deeper into the water, and Kerry safely goes back to shore!

To see this great reporter save the dolphin, watch the video down below!

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