Woman Receives Mysterious Amazon Packages In The Mail. She’s Confused Until Her Parrot Speaks.

As you know, people use the word “bird brain” to suggest that someone is an unintelligent, shallow individual. However, there’s nothing unintelligent about parrots. They have incredible speech and memory despite having minimal brain mass. For birds, that’s substantial.

Interestingly, one woman, Corienne Pretorius, had $14 worth of gift boxes arrive in the mail one day, ones that she knew she did not order. Later on, her talking African Gray parrot, Buddy, gave her significant hints that led her to believe what was honestly going on in regards to the mystery Amazon purchase.

Corienne, after the order had already arrived, found out that her parrot had learned how to use her Amazon Alexa — a voice-operated system that can answer questions, respond to commands, place Amazon orders, and the like — when she walked in on him one day talking away with the device.

It turns out, 5-year-old Buddy the bird ordered the gift boxes after hearing the same conversation his owner had with Alexa on an earlier day.

I don’t know what’s funnier, the thought of receiving an order placed by your pet bird or the fact that the bird ordered something on Amazon and didn’t even realize what was going on! Sometimes ignorance is NOT bliss.

To prove to us that her parrot loves communicating with her Alexa, we have footage linked below of the bird saying, “Alexa!” several times to grab the machine’s attention.

Later in the video, the parrot even throws in, “Oh, um, hang on! Alexa!” in the clip, and it had me dying of laughter! In my head, I was thinking that the parrot was probably trying to think of another order it can place without its owner knowledge.

It seems that the bird either has a thing for Alexa or simply enjoys ordering stuff behind the woman’s back. Silly Buddy!

So, the moral of the story is, don’t leave your Alexa around your parrot — or better yet, just don’t use the name Alexa around them! Even better, teach your parrot to order something useful such as bird seeds, your favorite makeup, or even groceries. I mean, gift boxes? Come on, Buddy!

If you own a parrot or have been around one, what’s the funniest thing they ever repeated?

If you don’t believe us that Corienne’s bird can use Alexa, check out the video below and watch him action for yourself.

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