16-Year-Old Dances While Floating In Wind Tunnel

I always thought dancing required a floor, I’ve always danced on a floor. Ok maybe other spaces too, but it’s always been flat and linear. You need surface area to bust a move, whether it’s the moonwalk or the tango or the Macarena. I mean, it’s called a dance floor for a reason, right? Not a dance wall, or dance road or dance sky. It’s a floor, and you boogie woogie on it!

Well, that’s what I thought until I saw this, and now everything I thought I knew has been turned upside down and thrown into the air. This video defies gravity and human capability – this teen is borderline dancing/flying in thin air, and it’s almost too good to be true — but it is! It’s even better than when Lionel Richie made “Dancing on the Ceiling!”

The Wind Games is an annual tournament for indoor skydiving, held in Spain. All events take place in a vertical wind tunnel, and the categories include solo, two-person, 4-person, dynamic, freestyle and speed events. The event is sponsored by Windoor, the company that makes these huge wind tunnels. It’s through the intense force of the expelled wind that the human body “floats” in midair, experiencing the sensation of flight minus planes and parachutes.

And while these recreational tunnels are mostly used for training skydivers, Polish athlete Maja Kuczynska showed us how they could be used differently. She calls herself a “bodyflight artist” and after this performance, rightfully so. To Sia’s international hit “Chandelier,” Maya danced in the wind tunnel, showing off incredible choreographed moves that go above and beyond what it means to dance.

She is upside down and flying around, zooming from side to side, doing the splits and contorting her body in ways never seen before, given the circumstances. Maja is suspended in the air, holding poses and appearing to shapeshift from one to the next seamlessly. She’s got her technique down and wows the crowds with splits and barrel rolls and flips that must have taken a lot of courage and practice to perfect. Maja’s epic routine earned her a silver medal in the freestyle event, and silver is an accomplishment on its own!

Click below to watch her standout performance that’s like nothing you’ve ever seen – you really have to see it to believe it! And, now I know that you really can make any space your dance floor.

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