Judge Gives Creative Sentence To Animal Abusers

There is no getting away from the law. Regardless of what kind of crime you’ve committed, when, and where, small or big, you will be caught and punished for it. Justice may be served late sometimes, but it is served, and that’s for sure!

Ohio Judge Michael Cicconetti of the Painesville Municipal Court recently set a precedent when he was ready to serve justice to the victims of animal abuse. He makes it his motive to ensure that all criminals are punished — “all” includes those who are unfair to animals and abuse them. Justice Cicconetti is fed up with animals being abused, and it was time to do something to fix the problem.

But, unlike other judges, this judge’s punishment doesn’t just include a monetary value or short amounts of time in jail. Justice Cicconetti got creative, and everyone is pleased with what he’s come up with. The reason he felt the need to get creative was because the judge thinks that monetary fines and time in jail don’t stop these animal abusers from being repeat offenders. So, the man wanted to give these people a taste of their own medicine.

You’re probably wondering what these punishments are. They vary depending on the crime and are designed to make the offender feel guilty about what they have done. For example, in 2015 a woman was charged guilty for allowing her dog, Moose, to live in a filthy environment for a week. So, to get her back for what she did to the dog, the judge sentenced her to stay in the dirtiest part of the county dump for eight hours. He is definitely trying to give these offenders a taste of their own medicine.

Another woman was responsible for neglecting 35 kittens, of which nine died. This woman was asked to pay a very hefty price for this heinous crime: Michelle, the offender, was asked to do 14 days in jail plus 15 days under house arrest. She was ordered to donate to the Humane Society for $3,200, a donation worth $500 to the park rangers who found the kittens, as well as one night alone in the woods. To add to this, she was not allowed to bring any food or any entertainment in the woods. This is probably exactly how her abandoned kittens felt — neglected.

The link below is a recording of the judge sentencing an offender for her crime. It’s a must-listen!

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