Judges Are Unimpressed Until Dancers Change Their Dresses

It’s so important to remember that a beautiful smile and killer confidence are two of your strongest assets as a person. You can walk out of the house with a bad hair day, but if you’re smiling your way down the street, with your head up high and looking as confident as ever, I can guarantee you that people won’t even notice that your hair is disheveled. Trust me, that’s the power of owning your skin.

If you need a live example of what this means, then you can also tune into the video below. It features a group called The Ruby Red Performers, and they’re a group of strong and confident women who took to the “Britain’s Got Talent” stage back in 2015. Their ages range from 25 years all the way to 64.

As these girls come in front of the judges, you can instantly tell that the panel is not impressed. Everyone is looking at the group with a weird, almost worried look — maybe they’re afraid that these ladies will embarrass themselves on stage? But, the show must go on, and this performance was waiting to get underway.

So, the judges start by questioning the people standing in front of them. We learn that the dance group was started by a woman named Ruby, who had moved into her new neighborhood in hopes of making new friends. This dance club was a great way of meeting new people. I’m sure Ruby didn’t know that one day her efforts would take her all the way to “Britain’s Got Talent.”

The women are all dressed in checkered shirts, wearing hats that have curled bangs sticking out of the middle. Everything about their look is so deceiving, that’s for sure, because when the music cues, things begin to change very quickly.

The Ruby Red Performers start off dancing to music that seems mundane and boring. The judges aren’t impressed at all, and Simon presses his ‘X’ buzzer about 10 seconds into their act. But, the other judges wanted to see what these women had in store. We’re so glad they decided to give them a chance!

The performance quickly goes from boring to high energy! The women are jumping up and down, breaking into dance moves that no one expected. Not only that, but they also take their checkered dresses off to reveal something a little bit less modest. They do a couple of outfit changes, and the crowd is going wild.

All the judges are on their feet by the end of this routine, and it’s clear to see why!

Click on the link below to watch the ladies cast a spell on the audience and judges alike!

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