Farmer Assumes Cow Is Pregnant With One Calf. He’s Proven Wrong When Babies Keep Coming.

Rationally speaking, I know that winning the lottery is near impossible; the chances are so low, and with so many people buying tickets, you have better odds of being struck by lightning. And yet, I still buy tickets. I still hold on to the hope that maybe, just maaaaaybe it could happen to me or someone I know. You have to play to win, right? You miss every shot you don’t take.

So, when a story like this happens, it reminds me that luck is so arbitrary and random. You never know when and if it could happen to you. On a little farm in Sebeka, Minnesota, USA, farmers Chuck and Deb Beldo witnessed, and continue to live out a miracle. They won the jackpot in a different kind of lottery.

Chuck and Deb’s dairy cow successfully gave birth twice, before this third pregnancy. She had delivered single calves each time, typical for dairy cows who only ever become pregnant with one. As the saying goes, “Third time’s a charm!” and the third time was in indeed a charm because when this cow went into labor, the two farmers couldn’t believe their eyes. Chuck says he watched his wife help facilitate the birthing and kept holding up more and more fingers, in disbelief, as more and more babies kept coming out.

She didn’t deliver one healthy calf. Not two, either. Not even three but four healthy calves! This occurrence is extremely rare and it only ever happens in one out of 11.2 million cases, and the fact that all four of these calves actually lived is even more unlikely!

To say Chuck and Deb were shocked is an understatement. “I’ve been around cows my whole life, and I’ve never seen anything like it before,” Deb told CBS Local. Now, with two new female and two male calves, life on the farm sure has gotten a little more hectic than expected! They say that keeping track of the calves is on par to herding cats – they’re full of energy and life and want to explore their new surroundings.

These quadruplets have garnered some fame since they’ve been born, and rightfully so — they’ve (almost) made history! Deb says “I believe there has been, as of today, 80,000 some shares from around the world, which is kind of neat.”

Click below to learn more about this incredible rarity – the calves are adorable, and the story is incredible!

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