Woman Pulls Over When She Finds Dog With Heavy Weight Around His Neck

Some of us just have that fighter mentality. I’m not talking about boxing or someone who likes to throw punches. I’m talking about that don’t-give-up attitude, fight with all your might for your life kind of deal. It comes down to a matter of survival and getting through with whatever means you have available.

This pup is exactly that and a fantastic example of being a fighter. After suffering a horrific act of abuse and neglect, this brave dog summoned all her strength. Literally, and figuratively.

Audra Petraškienė from Lithuania was on her way home, as usual, when she spotted something extremely out of the ordinary from the corner of her eye. Slumped down and looking sullen, there stood a black and white dog, wet and shivering on the side of the road. Something wasn’t right. Audra immediately pulled over and jumped out of her car to investigate. As she drew closer, it appeared as though someone had fabricated a makeshift “anchor” and secured it to the dog’s neck. Audra would later come to discover that the hunk of metal around the dog’s neck was 6kg.

“Apparently, somebody put a heavy metal item on his neck and dropped him in the river to drown,” Audra’s daughter, Andra, told The Dodo. “The dog was scared and shaking from the cold as well.”

How the dog managed to paddle and swim to the shore, to safety, is beyond imagination. “He’s a real fighter,” Audra continues. She immediately realized the pain this dog had already endured and scooped him and brought him home, crying. The woman snapped off the anchor, cleaned him up and brought him to an animal shelter.

At some point, the dog’s owner was found but there are no details about how or why the dog was put into this situation. There is speculation that this criminal act was done to the dog as a revenge move by a neighbor. Audra is an angel on earth brought down to help this dog in her time of need. It’s so sad to think what could have happened had the kind stranger not shown up in time.

This story has to be one of my favorite rescue stories. What about you? Do you have other rescue tales you’d like to share with us? We’d love to read your stories in the comments below!

Click below to watch this sad story come to have a happy and hopeful ending!

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