Elephants Want Worker To Sing Them Lullaby

I have fond memories of being sung to as a child. In fact, I’m certain that’s one of the first memories I remember and most likely some of the first for many kids. A calming, soothing voice sounds good when you’re falling asleep or need to be comforted, or in those times of need when you’re not feeling well or miss home.

As an adult, I still appreciate a pretty voice that can carry a tune. It feels grounding. And apparently, so does this elephant. This is actually a cute story that just goes to show, again, how smart elephants are!

The video starts with Faamai, one of the elephants at the Save Elephant Foundation in Chiang Mai, and Lek, one of the workers at the sanctuary. Lek is seen standing and posing with visitors for a photo when Faamai quite literally barges in and steals Lek away! The tourists move to the side, and the gentle giant gently walks the worker away, carefully pushing and guiding her with her trunk. But what for? What does this elephant want?

Lek quickly puts the pieces together. She was getting brought over to the baby elephant Thong Ae who Faamai wants to adopt as her own, and she wanted Lek to use her beautiful singing voice to sing a lullaby to the baby.

And so Lek complies and sits on the ground between the two elephants. She starts to sing, and they are both thrilled. And Lek, too, is thrilled to see the elephant she’s so tenderly raised want to help raise and care for one of her own. Lek carries on, her voice filling the air with a pretty song that has the baby dropping to the ground to nuzzle in closer to Lek and Faamai. Music truly is a universal language, and this just goes to show the power of song. I love this!

It’s interesting to know that just like humans, animals too have this realization of the world around them. So, when the elephants’ recognize a beautiful song, they’re bound to understand that this tune is for them!

How does your pet feel about music? Do you share their favorite tune with them once a day? Let us know how music helps your pets, in the comments below! We’d love to hear from you.

Click below to watch this unbelievable moment caught on camera! We’re sure you’ll be sharing it with everyone you know!

Source: Reshareworthy

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