Stepmom Saves Daughter From Abuse And Adopts Her 20 Years Later

If you know anything about family, it’s that they don’t have to be b***d-related. Sometimes those who are genetically close to us are furthest away from us emotionally. Even the reverse can be true.

One woman, Karla Robinson, created an inseparable bond with her stepdaughter, Jessi, just as if she were her own child. Unfortunately, Karla began to notice strange things about Jessi that signified that she was being abused. The girl would act funny whenever she’d have to visit her biological mother, clinging to Karla before she left. Then she would come home messy and with marks on her body. 

As her step mother, Karla was concerned. After calling Child Protective Services (CPS), it was found that a friend of the biological mother was abusing Jessi. That’s when Karla and her husband took full custody of Jessi.

“I’ve told her since day one that although she wasn’t born in my womb, she was born in my heart and I stand by that. She didn’t have to be my b***d to be my daughter,” Karla said to Caters New Agency. However, Karla and her husband divorced 18 years later, but the woman continued to hold a strong relationship with Jessi. Their mother-daughter-like relationship even helped Karla get through two diagnoses of cancer.

Then Jessi was summoned to court in 2017. Arriving at the Washington County Courthouse in Bartlesville, Oklahoma before Judge Russ Vaclaw, she had no idea what was about to happen. Then she saw Karla.

It turns out, Karla had sent an emotional letter to Judge Vaclaw regarding adopting Jessi. The mother was hoping to adopt her for a long time but couldn’t as she never had the money to do so, but now was her chance, even over 20 years later.

Fortunately, a video was recorded of Karla and Jessi in the courtroom together. Their joyous crying has us crying too!

At the beginning of the viral video, we could tell Karla had lots of jittery nerves and was not quite familiar with the whole situation that was about to occur. She was already a bit teary-eyed regarding the adoption. The judge asked Jessi, “You know why you’re here today?” Confused as ever, Jessi said, “No.” “Well, some things are worth the wait,” he replied.

Both Karla and Jessi got increasingly emotional throughout the video once Jessi realized that she was being adopted by Karla.

This gone-viral story is living proof that being a mother or father requires love, care, and responsibility, which Karla has proven. Being related to somebody doesn’t prove anything other than the fact that you share genetics.

Check out the adoption below (and get a tissue ready)! When you’re done, share this heart-warming gem on Facebook.

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