Pup Wakes Owner Up And Leads Her To A Medical Emergency

Adopting a pet is an amazing experience. You open your home to an animal in need; this dog, cat, or another animal may have never experienced love, comfort, or safety in their life. Or, they came from an adequate home that simply could not care for them anymore.

Whatever the circumstances, it’s not the animal’s fault that they have found themselves homeless. Pets can not care for themselves and it is our job as humans to provide for them. So, when you give a homeless animal a safe and loving home, you are showing great kindness and compassion — often, these rescued animals show their appreciation in the best way they know how.

It’s purely anecdotal, but many people report that their rescued animals seem to know that they have been saved from an unpleasant situation and appreciate their new life and new owners even more, and they may show it by being extra affectionate or attached to their caretakers. Chances are, even if your rescue pet is quiet and withdrawn in the beginning, that they just need more time to feel safe and comfortable and will eventually open up in their own way.

The Daniels family adopted a pit bull named Ember from a rescue organization called Adore-A-Bull. The rescue not only handles rescues and adoptions but hopes to change much of the bad press that surrounds the breed. They want to show everyone that pit bulls are wonderful, loving pets. They are hoping that Ember’s story will help to confirm this in people’s minds.

No one in the Daniels family thought twice about Ember’s breed when they adopted her; she was their second pit bull. But, they didn’t predict that she would form such a strong bond with 10-year-old Trey Daniels.

This bond became lifesaving one day when mom Tracy woke up to the sound of Ember growling softly — it was more of a grumble, really. The behavior was strange, to say the least, and Tracy was surprised that their usually calm, friendly dog was growling for apparently no reason. As she pulled herself out of her grogginess, Ember continued to growl. That’s when Tracy realized that something must be wrong.

The mother got up from the bed and followed Ember from the room. The dog led her to the bathroom, where Tracy discovered Trey, slumped over the side of the tub. He was having a seizure. Tracy dialed 911 and because of the quick response, Trey was okay.

The Daniels family is forever grateful for the actions of their “hero” dog, Ember. They don’t like to think of what could have happened had she not been there.

Watch the amazing story in the video below!

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