Husky Thanks Captain Who Rescued Him From Roof

I know I’ve found myself in a few pickles over the years, and I’ve had friends do the same: like locking the keys in the trunk or shutting the front door of the house with my bag, and keys, still inside! I’ve been locked in a shower in a change room (thankfully, only for 10 minutes or so) and stranded for a ride on the side of the road. One thing is for sure: when help appears in your moment of need, it’s the feeling of relief that washes over you that makes everything right in the world again.

My heart goes out to this husky, Jasper, who found himself in a pickle of his own! Luckily, he had a friend to show up and help save the day!

While it’s not certain how the pup managed to get himself up there, it could have been that the window was open, and Jasper sneakily climbed out to get some fresh air on the roof. Unbeknownst to the owners that their beloved pup was frolicking outside on the second floor (!!!), someone must have shut the window, unknowingly trapping the dog outside, and then left the house.

Imagine that! Walking by and seeing a big, beautiful husky hanging out all alone where he shouldn’t! Well, Jasper can thank his lucky stars that he was spotted. Authorities in Maine received multiple calls about the dog stuck on the roof.

“Wells Fire Department Captain Jeff Nawfel was able to save this beautiful dog who managed to get out onto his roof and got stuck,” the Wells Fire Department wrote. And how did Jasper, the dog who was so relieved to be rescued, repay his hero? With lots and lots of cute kisses. And then probably more when they got back on the ground!

Click to watch this sweet, heroic gesture, and the only way Jasper knows how to thank Captain Nawfel.

Source: Reshareworthy

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