Pit Bull Runs To Save Woman’s Life Against Attacker

It’s easy to look at a large, imposing dog and be intimidated. But, it’s usually best not to judge a book by its cover. While you should never approach a dog and attempt to pet it or engage with it without the owner’s permission, just because a dog looks frightening doesn’t mean that it is mean or aggressive.

In fact, sometimes it is the large, scary looking dogs that are the friendly teddy bears. This statement is true with my dogs. When people come to visit my house, they are immediately put off by my huge cattle dog mix. But, he is the friendliest dog on the planet and loves all people and pets — it is my small, adorable terrier that is likely to dislike a person and even growl at them if they get too close. 

The dog in this video is just the type of dog that people are afraid of. His appearance actually helped to save a woman from a dangerous situation, but the pup never bit or acted aggressively towards anyone.

Blitz’s owner, who chose not to be identified, heard a commotion outside her house. She looked out the front door to see a neighbor viciously beating his estranged wife. Blitz, a 100+ pound pit bull, saw what was happening and broke through the screen door. He ran towards the attacker, and his mere presence was enough to stop the man.

Blitz, who loves his family, is a kind but protective dog. He may have saved a life that night and is now being called a hero.

Watch the amazing story in the video below. We think this heroic act deserves as much attention as possible so don’t forget to like and share Blitz’s story with family and friends!

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