Kid Has 8-Hour Tantrum On Flight

Whether you’re a parent or happy be to an aunt or uncle, raising a child isn’t easy. Children are small humans who are blank slates with little experience on planet earth. They have a very basic understanding of the world around them. Every day is a learning experience, every moment providing the opportunity to teach a lesson.

Kids keep parents on their toes, no doubt. They require preparation and thoughtful planning, and while life is excellent at throwing curveballs and unforeseen circumstances (no one can be prepared for everything) when it comes to overseas travel, a little forethought goes a long way. Flying is already stressful for many, and this recent clip shows just how stressful it can get. 

Shane Townley was a passenger on a flight from Germany to New Jersey and shot footage of an extremely disgruntled child acting up for the duration of the overseas trip.

The child’s outburst appears to have started before the plane took off. He can be seen standing in his seat or sitting on the headrest (it’s a little unclear) lashing out and screaming. As per Shane, we can hear the mother have an exchange with the flight attendant regarding the wifi for her son’s iPad. However, there is no wifi connection yet. It’s at this point that it’s hard to tell if the child ever got wifi to distract him because according to the video, his unruly behavior didn’t calm down at all.

The footage isn’t easy to watch – it’s shaky, but also alarming. The sounds this child makes are high-pitched screams that aren’t typical and much more drawn out than most children his age. While other kids would exhaust themselves and tire out, Shane claims this little boy didn’t stop once, throughout the flight. We can see he also gets out of his chair to walk up and down the aisle, and climb his seat, again.

Shane documented the ordeal and added in his own personal comments. While a few are ambiguous (“Some believe this is proof that digital devices cause this.”), there are a lot of moving parts to this story.

Is this child’s extreme behavior because of the lack of the device, discipline from mom, concern from airlines, or all of the above?

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