Man Plays Piano At Station And Stranger Joins In To Change It Up

We all know how non-descript airports and train stations can be. They’re really transient places with all sorts of people coming in and out, going to and arriving from different locations. Some are far and exotic, others are local and regular, but it’s the people that are interesting and have stories – or wild skills tucked up their sleeves – that make layovers a little more colorful!

While in transit in Paris, Gerard Pla Daro from Spain noticed the French Train Company, SNCF’s piano placed in the station. These strategically placed pianos are meant to have their ivories tickled by passers-by as a way to kill time and entertain others. Gerard stepped up to the plate and began to play.

Gerald is a talented, passionate player. His focus is tight and concentrated as his fingers tap and move up and down the keys. Moments into his impromptu performance, however, things become a little more impromptu! Gerald has a fan, a young man, wearing a white t-shirt and backpack who saunters up to get a closer look. His name is Nassim Zaouche from Algeria, and he’s watching Gerald play.

After only mere moments of analyzing, Nassim is able to jump in and play along with a hitch! He starts slow, trying to figure out a way to enhance Gerald’s playing without stealing his thunder, as well as predict what the next sounds will be. The two start to play up a storm – Gerald’s grin saying it all. The two young men are improvising every second of the song, going with the flow and literally playing off each other’s energy, weaving in and out of high notes and low notes, melody, and harmony. This is several minutes of sheer musical perfection – perfect in its imperfections! The way they come along together to complement each other’s rhythm and style is a sight to behold. Truly musical and uplifting.

What types of performances have you seen at the airport or train stations? I know I’ve seen a ton of singing and dancing, and some guitar-based routines, but a piano is something that I have yet to encounter. Maybe one day I’ll be as lucky as these passersby! Share your stories with us in the comments! We’d love to hear from you!

Click the video below to catch all the feels watching these two play for their growing audience at the station, and online – over 39 million views on this one!

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jono 3 years ago
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