Farmer Sweeps Barn And Then Bursts Into Dance Routine

There are so many different ways to express yourself. You can write a journal to pen down how you feel, you can dress a certain way to get your point come across, or you can simply communicate in a way for everyone to hear you loud and clear. Like I said, there are so many ways to express yourself. There’s also dancing.

Dancing comes as a form of expression because you can dance to the tune of your favorite beat and in whatever way you want. There’s no limiting you when it comes to what song you can dance to and how. It’s all up to you. If you’re feeling energetic and want to get that energy out, choose to dance to an upbeat song. If you’re feeling slow and lethargic, grab your partner’s hand and trance them into a slow dance.

The farmer in the video below swears by shaking a leg or two, and nothing stops him, not even chores around the barn. Nobody likes chores, but Jay Lavery knows that they have to be done, and someone’s got to do them. So he takes a broom and gets to sweeping the barn. But, he does so in style.

He decides that he’ll sweep while dancing to his heart’s content and that’s exactly what he does. The video starts with him showing the viewers how to sweep, and then all of a sudden, Rihanna’s “Pon de Replay” comes on and the scene transforms. The music seems to take over Jay and off he goes, showing off his fun and hilarious moves.

He starts to move to the music without even looking up, and you can see he’s enjoying himself to the fullest.

But, don’t take our word for it! Click on the video below to watch Jay in full action!

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jono 3 years ago
The new Fred Astair!!
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