Stranger Comes To Mom With A Note From Son, Then Mom Looks Up And Runs To Her Lawn

We can’t always be around for our moms on mother’s day. Life takes us in directions we can’t predict or see coming. With so many crossroads and thousands of possibilities, sometimes the best we can do is send a message or flowers. Something is better than nothing, but if you can be there in person, there’s not one mother who wouldn’t want that from their child.

This is a heartwarming ad of a mom who gets a really big surprise on Mother’s Day. She was bowled over with emotion, not fully realizing what was going to happen when she opened the door. Before we get into the story, we know that Mother’s Day has passed, but it’s never too late (or early) to share stories that celebrate mom.

Cindy heard a knock on the door one day and went ahead to see who it was. Enter Bonnie — she works for Teleflora. Bonnie hands Cindy a tablet with a video of her son. Although they haven’t seen each other in 2 years, her son goes on to recite a heartfelt speech about how he still thinks of her and wants her to know how much he appreciates everything she’s done for him. All the sacrifices she’s made and the ways she’s put him first.

This video is extremely touching and it brings the mom to tears – and she cries even harder when the video is done and there’s a bigger surprise waiting for her.

Click below to catch all the Mother’s Day feels with this one!

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