Talented McDonald’s Worker Sings “Piece By Piece”

It’s always hard to pursue your dreams when there is so much at stake. Even if you feel that you can go for it because you have nothing to lose, there’s always that thought of “What will people think of me if I make a fool of myself?” When you go for what you’ve always wanted, it’s true that you should leave all your inhibitions behind. Trust your talent and gut, that’s all.

For example, singers are the perfect example. They have to get up in front of people they don’t know, and sing like they’ve never sung before. Having to pour your heart out through a song, in front of strangers who are unabashedly judging you, can’t be easy. And when you’re not a trained or professional singer, the pressure to do well, succeed or at the very least, get your foot through the door, is immense. Also, you never really know how good or bad your voice is until you’re put in the spotlight. Plus, there are variables to consider, the biggest one being, nerves. 

Rebecca Grace is 20-years-old and auditioning for “The X Factor UK.” She’s never done anything like this before but this time around she decided to take the leap. There is no right time to take the risk, and you never know what’s going to happen, but then you don’t know if success lies ahead until you don’t jump. For Rebecca, there was success and lots of praise.

From the get-go, the judges are doing what they do best – judge. They ask what she does for a living, to which she says she works at McDonald’s. Immediately, one of the judges crinkles her nose, but they establish that McDonald’s isn’t her plan, and singing is her passion — that’s why she’s here, of course! They chat for a moment longer before Simon cuts to the chase and the music starts.

Rebecca chooses Kelly Clarkson’s, “Piece By Piece” and everyone’s head tilts, looking stunned. Rebecca’s emotion is the real deal. She’s super sincere and manages to push her nerves aside to project her feelings outward. Her authentic performance is remarkable and she has each judge hanging on her every word, syllable even! With a little more confidence and practice, this girl’s got it and she has all the potential to win this show. Everyone should listen to her and be ready to up their game!

Click below to watch Rebecca floor all four judges!

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