Neglected Dog Holds Out Paw To Rescuer

As a dog lover with three rescue dogs, it breaks my heart when I see an animal being mistreated. I do everything in my power to make sure that my pets are as happy and healthy as possible, and I know many people who do the same. I will never be able to understand how a person can abuse or neglect an animal.

Dogs and cats are not able to fend for themselves and depend on humans to take care of them. But sometimes, they get looked over for one reason or another. Unfortunately, though organizations like the Humane Society and the ASPCA have made great strides in eliminating animal cruelty, and even punishing the perpetrators as criminals, the animal abuse continues to exist. 

But, thanks to dedicated rescuers, some of those lost, abused, and abandoned animals get a second chance at life. It always amazes me that an animal who has been treated poorly and abused can still trust humans. On their first meeting with someone who is there to help they show the unwavering loyalty and love that dogs have in their hearts.

Duffy was rescued by the kind folks at The Humane Society of the United States. He was found in a puppy mill, lying on the floor of a dark, filthy room. His fur was dirty and matted. He couldn’t even stand, but when the rescuer entered the room, he wagged his tail, happy to see humans. As his kind savior knelt down beside him, Duffy reached out with a single paw. All he wanted was the love and kindness he deserves.

Duffy now has a loving home, and you can watch his story down below!

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