Woman Records Moment Rescue Dog Learns To Love Humans Again

I don’t think that we can begin to imagine what life would be like if we weren’t living in the comforts of our own home. We are sheltered from the blistering cold and snow, and even from the high temperatures during which we like to stay indoors and enjoy the luxuries of our AC. We can cook homemade meals, and eat to our heart’s pleasure. We also have other people in our family to interact with — regardless of how much we complain, life is usually pretty good. Unfortunately, not everyone can say the same.

This goes for animals just as much as it goes for us humans, too. As humans, we can at least try to fend for ourselves, look for shelter when there is no roof over our heads, and try to protect ourselves and those we love from harm. But, with animals, it gets hard sometimes. They don’t have the same facilities that we do, and so, it’s our job as their friends to help protect them, too. 

Bernard is one of the newest residents at the Dogs Deserve Better Good Newz Rehab Center in Smithfield, VA. But before he found this new home, he was living a harrowing life.

The pup spent his days living in a dirty pen, with no association to humans aside from the time when they would occasionally drop him some food to eat. After years of neglect, it’s not unusual for Bernard to not trust those around him and feel unsafe in unfamiliar surroundings. But things were about to take a turn for him when he got to the rescue center.

After making him all cozy, and once Bernard was comfortable in his kennel, the staff decided that it would be good to introduce the canine to the human touch and help him understand that not everyone is the same. They were trying to build his trust in the human race, one small step at a time.

The results of their experiment were as expected — Bernard will need some time to warm up to the human touch, but it will happen, and what you see in the video below is an emotional beginning.

Click the video below to watch the moment one woman reaches out to touch the dog and his emotional reaction.

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