Employees Help Sweet Dog Who Has 400+ Day Streak At Animal Shelter

Working at an animal shelter, it’s got to be emotionally tough to watch animals come in and out. Every dog, cat, bunny and unloved pet coming through has a story. The one good thing here is that usually, these sad stories become happy ones for the majority of the wannabe pets. And sadly, there are a few that fall through the cracks.

This is the story of Mona, a 5-year-old Staffordshire terrier who has been adopted and returned multiple times – and by no fault of her own! She is still looking for a forever home, and with the creative help of The Animal Foundation, an animal shelter in Las Vegas, hopefully, she’s not too far off from finding one.

After spending 420 days at the animal shelter, she was adopted but then returned the next day because the owner’s other dogs didn’t like her. So round two – she was adopted the next day again, but the same thing happened – the family’s youngest daughter was allergic! Again, Mona was returned.

As a result, the workers at the shelter have gotten to know Mona on a personal level. They see her as the loveable dog she truly is. She’s got a heart of gold, and although she’s extra shy, she’s tender and gentle and would fit in perfectly with a family. It’s this bashfulness that causes people to look past her when they come to the shelter for a visit. Rather than be social, Mona tends to stay at the back of her kennel.

The staff at the shelter want a good home for Mona, so they’ve created little Facebook videos that are debunking some of the comments other people are saying regarding Mona’s long tenure at the shelter, “She’s not pretty enough” or “She’s too old” or “Not affectionate.”

Kelly Leahy, communications manager for The Animal Foundation was gutted to hear these comments so, “We tried to refute those myths in short videos on Facebook. We show her being affectionate and wonderful, and looking active and certainly not an old dog.”

This is a really cute and creative way to help Mona in the next chapter of her life!

Click below to catch these small snippets of a dog who’s got a lot of love to give.

Mona Mythbuster Number 3 – “She’s Not Pretty”

Mona Mythbuster Number 2 – “She’s Not Affectionate”

Mona Mythbuster Number 1 – “She’s Too Old”

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