Teacher Becomes Kidney Donor To 8-Year-Old Student

I was lucky to have some great teachers when I was in school. There were a few who I looked up to as mentors, seeking their advice or wanting to be like one of them when I grew up. I had an English teacher who showed me how Shakespeare actually is cool and a volleyball coach who never gave up on me. Teachers do more than teach, they impart wisdom and are a crucial support structure for young, developing minds.

I can’t imagine where I’d be today without the dedicated teachers I had throughout my school years, in and out of the classroom. I can’t even begin to imagine what would have happened to 8-year-old Natasha Fuller without the wholehearted gift Mrs. Schmidt gave to her and her grandma.

Natasha was born with prune belly syndrome which leads to urinary tract disease, causing the kidney to break down eventually. Natasha needed a new kidney and had been traveling to the hospital three times a week for treatment. She’s even been separated from her parents and twin sister for two years to live with her grandma so she could be closer to the hospital and receive specialized care. However, even with constant care, her frequent infections kept bumping her off the waiting list for a transplant, causing more pain for the little girl and more distress for the family.

When Mrs. Schmidt caught wind of the little girl’s severe health problems, she wanted to take action. She first consulted her husband and kids and secretly got tested to see if she could be a suitable donor for Natasha. Following her results, Mrs. Schmidt called grandma down to the school to share her news! When grandma opens the box and pulls out the stuffing, she immediately has tears streaming down her face.

Click below to watch grandma break down in tears of joy. This is a beautiful gift from such a kind-hearted teacher and remarkable human being!

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