Clever Donkey Lends A Hand To His Friend In An Attempt To Escape

Though we might think of donkeys as livestock similar to horses and cows, they are quite different animals. They are somewhat similar to horses in shape, with larger ears, shorter necks, and smaller bodies. Also, where horses tend to be skittish and easily frightened, donkeys are tough, tenacious, and even aggressive when they need to be.

In instances where horses may turn tail and run, a donkey is likely to hold its ground and fight. For this reason, farmers will often keep donkeys along with their other stock to serve as protectors. Donkeys will protect chickens, sheep, goats, and even horses from predators like foxes and coyotes.

I know a few people local to me who keep donkeys to protect their chickens. Keeping “backyard chickens” is popular in this area because they are easy to maintain and provide fresh eggs. But, we also have foxes, coyotes, and raccoons that will sneak in at night and can decimate an entire flock if your coop is not incredibly secure. Everyone that keeps donkeys says that they no longer have any issues with predators.

Donkey owners often report that they are noisy, friendly, funny, and brilliant animals. They have a mind of their own and are known for getting what they want, even if it takes time, tenacity, and a little ingenuity.

One of the donkeys in the trio below uses his donkey smarts to free himself and his pals from their enclosure. Once he realizes that the fence is too high and they won’t succeed in jumping over, he devises an entirely different plan.

Watch this clever donkey in action in the video below. Please like and share!

Source: Rumble

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