Anxious Dog Taken To Shelter Gets Adopted

Not all dogs who are in shelters are dogs that were found on the streets, abandoned and alone. Some dogs are surrendered to shelters for no reason other than the owner not being able to take care of him/her anymore.

The dog in the video down below became one of those dogs — he was suddenly without a home. Neno, the dog, was taken to Fort Worth Animal Care and Control Center because the owner could no longer afford to take care of their dog. Neno, accustomed to being at home with his owner, was locked in a cage and right away started shaking with nerves. This video shows the poor, anxious dog. 

I know this all sounds a little sad, but we’re only sharing it with you because it has a happy ending! We like to brighten up your day, and what better way than with good news!

The video came to be when Paige King, a worker at that animal shelter, saw the tan dog shaking. She was heartbroken for the pup, so she decided to take matters into her own hands to help the dog out.

Paige recorded the dog in the cage, looking sad and nervous, and put it up on Facebook, hoping to grab the attention of a kind-hearted person who felt for this dog and took him home.

Well, it worked. Laura Rodgers was scrolling through Facebook when she saw the video. She shared, “The moment I saw his video, I cried. I could not get him out of my mind. That video moved me that much.”

She made up her mind right on the spot. The next day she drove over an hour to meet Neno; she knew Neno right away that Neno was a good fit.

Sadly, they found out that Neno had anemia, and an under-active thyroid, as you can see in the video down below, but that only made Laura want to love him more.

And now? Neno is happy in his new family. Check him out below!

Source: Animal Channel

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