Jogger Sees Man With Empty Stroller Caring For Elderly Dog

A bit of extra effort goes a long way to show you care. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. It’s the little things that happen consistently that mean so much and go so far. After all, you can accomplish anything if you do a little bit every day.

Edie Mayo and Troy Griffin didn’t expect that their daily routine would leave such an impression – since posting a picture of Troy kneeling beside a dog, the story has gone viral, and the photo has received over 38,000 likes! They do this every day out of the kindness of their hearts and the love they have for a member of their family.

In Discovery Green Park, Houston, USA, producer Doug Delony was going for a jog when something caught his eye. He couldn’t help but notice a man kneeling down beside an empty baby stroller and elderly dog. So like any good reporter, he did what he knows best – investigated further!

“Most afternoons, I take a run through Discovery Green,” said Doug, “and most afternoons I see this guy with a stroller but no baby. He brings this beautiful, what appears to be, disabled pup to the park. He lets it sit in the grass and take in the smell and the sound. Here he is giving it water out of a small cup he brings with him.”

The dog is a 16-year-old sheltie named Max with his two owners who love him very much. They’ve had Max since he was 3 weeks old and Edie says, “He’s my best friend. He’s taught me lessons that I will never forget.” He’s been a part of the family for as long as they can remember. As he ages, however, he needs more care since he’s gone blind in one eye, has cataracts in the other, has arthritis and needs various medications.

But, he’s still got life in him yet! He loves being outside, meeting new people and adores being on the lookout for female dogs – especially little poodles! What a sweet loving family to treat their dog with such honor and dignity.

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