People Get Agitated Over These 'Am I The Jerk?' Stories

In life, we often find ourselves at crossroads, making decisions that leave us questioning our judgment. This article explores a series of intriguing real-life stories, where individuals grapple with dilemmas ranging from family disputes and personal relationships, to issues of respect and personal boundaries. They ask: Am I The Jerk? AITJ = Am I the jerk? NTJ = Not the jerk WIBTJ = Would I be the jerk? YTJ = You're the jerk

21. AITJ For Wanting My House Back After Hosting My Husband's Family For Two Months?


“I 28F and my husband 28M just got married a week ago. Backstory, we have been legally married for a year and 2 months but decided to wait to plan an actual wedding that his family would be able to attend.

My husband is originally from Brazil so a lot of his family lives there, and it takes time to get a visa to travel, which is why our wedding was so far out.

Anyways, his family has been in the States since right before Christmas, and the day after Christmas he went and picked his grandparents up to stay with us for a week.

The day his grandparents got to our house, all 3 of his uncles and their entire families stayed at our home too. At one point we had about 20 people staying in our 4-bedroom home. Don’t get me wrong I love his family, but when we have people staying here we’re spending $200+ at the grocery store to have BBQ and we supply all the booze for them as well.

They all stayed until New Year and then went home on New Year’s Day.

9 days later his sister 27F flew in from Brazil and came to stay with us for the month which was the plan, however at the last second he said he was going to bring his grandparents back up to stay as well.

He heard me out and didn’t bring his grandparents that time. For the past 20 days, his sister has been staying at our home, she is super sweet and helpful with housework and helping me with our dogs since I WFH and am on Zoom all day.

But she goes home today, and now he is bringing his grandparents back up for the week. He doesn’t see that it’s difficult for me to socialize with his grandparents when there is a huge language barrier (They only speak Portuguese and I speak English and Spanish) I’m starting to learn Portuguese but it’s not easy learning a new language in your late 20s.

We got into a fight last night because I’m working 9 days straight, I haven’t had any time to myself in the last month and a half, and I just want my home back. I want to be able to fall asleep on the couch in my nightgown.

I want to walk around my home in my pjs if I so choose. He called me selfish because “I don’t want him to spend time with his grandparents because he doesn’t know when he will see them again”.

He also said if I don’t let them stay he will take the week off work and go down and stay with his uncles to spend time with them. I told him that we could not afford for him to take a week off of work because we both live paycheck to paycheck.

I don’t know I am so torn I feel like I am being some sort of a jerk, but then I also feel that I have sacrificed my home for almost 2 months because of his family coming and going and I feel that I deserve to be a little bit selfish… I don’t know.


Another User Comments:

“You are getting a sneak peek into your life if you stay married to him. Unless you put your foot down and put boundaries in place.   You’ll be hosting a whole lot of them for some of the major holidays.

Or anytime they need to be in your country for whatever reason. Even if it has nothing to do with you. You might even host some of the younger ones if they decide to go to college in your country.

Or permanently move to your country. And don’t get me started on when you give birth (that is if you are planning on having kids). Fresh out of hospital after the birth of your child? You’ll be hosting the whole lot and will be called selfish coz they just wanna spend time with the baby.  And these things will keep happening for anything they deem important regardless of how you feel about having it.

Over and over.   So take notice and see if that’s the life you want to live.     NTJ. Partner is.   Edited. ” solo_throwaway254247

Another User Comments:

“NTJ. As a quite introverted guy, I don’t know how you do it.

Hosting so many people for such a long time is exhausting. Why can’t your husband’s grandparents come some other time, so you can get some time and space for yourself for a while? Why does it have to be this week?

Could you have a discussion, and explain to your husband that you love his family but that you’re tired and need some space right now? Relationships mean compromises and now it seems you are the only one compromising.” NZPhi

Another User Comments:

“NTJ, but real talk. This is how he is with his family. It will not change. Can you handle this dynamic for the rest of your life? Will you resent him for it? This is something you need to figure out now.

You *should* have had this figured out before you married him.” Queen_Sized_Beauty

3 points - Liked by AnD13panD3rs, lebe and Joels

20. AITJ For Asking A Disabled Woman To Leave My Property So I Can Sell It?


“I (45F) own a rental property that became vacant during a global crisis. In 2021 a woman (60F) I know experienced a housefire and lost everything. She already had a host of very serious medical problems with major surgeries on the horizon.

I now realize she is also on insanely high prescriptions to manage her pain. She manages a food bank and is a hero to many in her community who need food. She drives around picking up donated food all day, taking care of others, and never herself.

She did get an insurance payout to rebuild her home. I let her stay at my vacant place for free.

She got a contractor who got about halfway done on her home and then bounced, taking all of her funds.

Her half-done home sat with little hope of completion. Meanwhile, she’s going downhill, a combination of the medication and the ailments they were meant to help. Her mental health suffers and I’m sure the trauma of the fire causes her to start to hoard things.

My property becomes stuffed with random things, as does the garage and spare room of her half-done home. She has no plan, no ability to make additional funds, and certainly no ability to pay rent. The woman’s church suddenly steps up.

They run a bunch of fundraisers for money and get people they know to do free work on her house. Finally, things are moving! It wasn’t fast, but in another six months, they managed to pass the final on her house.

Now, the final inspection doesn’t mean it’s done. Only one of the two bathrooms is working and there are a ton of punch list items left. The workmen said they’d be continuing to help and hoped to have it completely done in some months.

We spoke with the woman, who has now been living for over two years rent-free in a place that could easily get 1800 per month, and she is begging us to let her stay there her place is done.

She says it’s not safe for her while there is any construction going on and the workman doesn’t need all her stuff in the way. But I’m very ready to sell this property, I’ve been waiting to for over a year.

I need the funds ASAP to keep my kid in college – it’s always been my plan to sell for that purpose. I told her she needed to move ASAP since her place is technically habitable, and she shouldn’t be living for free in ours.

Well, she’s stalling. She’s canceling on people from her church who come to help her pack. She’s making issues of little things. I’m frankly afraid she’s going to die there due to substances. I’m so annoyed with her and feel extremely taken advantage of.

I feel for her in terms of health, but I’ve effectively given her 40,000 in free rent and she’s dragging her feet now that she CAN move out. I’m annoyed that my place is packed (boxes pressed against the baseboards made me mad) and in poor shape.

I’ll be paying a ton for a deep clean and repairs.

AITJ for making a disabled woman pack and move (now that she has a house to move into) ASAP so I can sell my property?”

Another User Comments:

“NTJ. If her place is habitable, she should start moving. No more excuses. She is a drain on your finances. As for the random stuff she probably can’t bring all with her, maybe see if you can sell them to make up for some of the damages and lost income?” User

Another User Comments:

“Oof NTJ You did your part. You’re not a charity and you don’t know how long it takes until her place is back to 100%. She needs to take the contractor to court if she wants to get her funds back and get her house finished. Time to care about your own family.

By the way who pays the full funds up front!?” Deep_Mood_7668

Another User Comments:

“NTJ started the legal process of eviction and also went to talk to the priest at her church. Tell them you helped her while you could and now she refuses to move out and is destroying your property on top of it ask him to talk to her.

With a bit of luck, she’ll be ashamed and move out without you needing to evict her. Good luck” Organic_Start_420

3 points - Liked by AnD13panD3rs, lebe and Joels

19. AITJ For Not Letting My Mom Invite My Ex-Best Friend To My Wedding?


“I (25F) knew my ex-best friend (26F) since we were in the fourth grade together.

We were best friends, basically sisters, but it has been 3 years since ending our friendship on difficult terms. I realized that she relied heavily on me for everything, and I would bend over backward with whatever she wanted or needed. This was not mutual as when I went through my own significantly difficult time in my life, she was not there for me and instead was condescending and treated me like it didn’t matter that I was going through difficulties and that I just had to “get over it”.

I was not in a place in my life to bend over backwards for her anymore and she did not attempt to even be there for me, let alone help me when I needed her most. At this time I just stopped talking with her and we drifted apart with hurt feelings but no real blowup.

She reached out about a year after we had drifted apart, and I agreed to attempt to reconnect, only to realize again how selfish she was when a crisis came up while we were reconnecting, and she blew me off after I asked for a simple request from her.

At this time, I then also told her I would love to remain her friend, but I could not be best friends with her anymore. She blew up at this and said if I wouldn’t be best friends, she didn’t want me in her life at all, so we stopped being friends.

I also found out from another friend that she was saying untrue and mean things about me, such as calling me manipulative and saying I could not keep secrets, so my friend should “watch out for me”. So I know she was talking badly behind my back and telling lies, as well as twisting the story to make her out to be the victim.

Fast forward three years, and I am getting married! My mom (68F) has been going through a hard time, so she has been acting out and causing problems for me. She got it in her head that she had to reconnect with my ex-best friend.

The problem began when I started discussing the invitations to the wedding and my mom announced that as a matter of fact that, “ex-best friend is coming to the wedding” and in fact that she had already invited her.

I told my mom no, and that she couldn’t give unofficial invites because I still had not finalized my guest list, which my mom did not take well. My mom said that I “actually want [my ex-best friend] there, [I] just don’t know it”.

My mom also claimed because she is helping pay for the wedding, it’s my mom’s wedding and I need to just accept it. I am in charge of sending invitations and I am refusing to make one out for my ex-best friend, no matter what my mom says.

My mom demands I just “need to forgive and forget”, but I do not want to have another attempt at being friends with her and I do not want to invite her to my wedding.

So, AITJ for not allowing my mom to invite my ex-best friend to my wedding?”

Another User Comments:

“Your wedding is still very much in the planning stages, and your mother is already overriding some of your decisions. Because your mom is “helping pay for the wedding”, and your mom thinks your wedding is “*your mom’s wedding, and, (you), just need to accept it*”.

OP, this right here is an exact recipe for a disaster. OP, you need to refund your mama all her funds and cut her out of the planning process. Scale down the wedding if you have to, or delay it, or elope.

I promise you this will not be the only time your mama will overrule This drama over the guest list is only the *first* time. NTJ” YouthNAsia63

Another User Comments:

“NTJ. I don’t care that your mom is helping to pay for it, it’s not her wedding.

So many posts with parents pushing their weight around when they are paying for the wedding expecting their kids to bend to their will because of it. I don’t know what’s going on with your mom but she has no business inviting anyone you don’t want there and she should not press it.

It’s tempting to just fly to Vegas and elope.” goldenfingernails

Another User Comments:

“NTJ. I’d suggest reaching out to your ex-friend and saying “Sorry to bother you and this is rather embarrassing, but my mom is pulling a stunt.

Please do not show up at my wedding. You will be escorted off the premises. It will be embarrassing for you and me.  Please do not take this as a shot at you. I wish you well and wish you nothing but good fortune.

But we walk separate paths now and there is no turning back. Be well.” QuesoDelDiablos

2 points - Liked by lebe and Joels

18. AITJ For Threatening To Throw Out My Flatmates' Dishes Because They Won't Clean Up?


“I’m (19f) living with 12 other students in a shared kitchen accommodation. I’ve consistently been having issues with my flatmates whether it’s about unannounced parties, loud noises, and also mess.

I’ve had to clean 3 times because of this. Today was when everything by all came crumbling.

We have a cleaner that cleans once a week, and this cleaner only cleans if the kitchen is in an acceptable condition.

Today, the cleaner refused to clean because people refused to wash up after themselves and I was extremely frustrated so decided to text the group chat stating that I would clean this one time but the next time this happens I would throw stuff out.

The reason as to why I reacted like this is because we have received a third warning about getting a fine due to uncleanliness and due to the fact I live with people that are majorly better off than I am, they did not care as much as I did.

I’d say I washed the majority of the plates but the things I saw out for a prolonged period I placed in a separate white plastic bag, also took pictures of how the kitchen looked before and after.

I did not dispose of any of the dishes as I put in the chat that if this behavior continues I will throw stuff out after a week so I was making a warning in a sense.

My flatmates then went ahead and accused me of being out of the line and disrespectful and crossing boundaries- they also went on to say that I was causing issues in the flat (justifiably so because we were on the brink of being fined and it felt like no one cared except me)

Fast forward to a few hours later and I hear a lot of noise in the kitchen, lo and behold it’s my flatmates + additional friends talking badly about me. I walk in, sit down and say “Well let’s talk then” and we talk, and of course, it stirs into an argument, I get called a jerk and crazy simply because I was expressing my frustration for the fact people don’t clean.

I stated that not everyone has the privilege of being able to be so careless about receiving a fine and the main culprit that leaves their dishes out for extremely upset about me saying that and stated that she is not privileged (she’s an international student that comes from a well off family that pays for everything for her) and as she shouted at me I simply tried my best to not respond with cuss words.

Ultimately I was made out to be a jerk in this entire exchange, everyone in the room treated me like I was a horrible person for cleaning the kitchen, saying that I had no authority over them and that they could do whatever they wanted. (They are in breach of contract)

A boy who was not living in my accommodation went a step further and started recording me to mock me and giggle. And now I’m not too sure if maybe I’m the one in the wrong for trying to stop my flat from getting fined or if I’m in the right for doing what I did.”

Another User Comments:

“NTJ- They are spoiled and entitled pigs. It’s amazing if they know how to wipe their butts. If they can’t clean up after themselves, then they should take turns cleaning. Nobody should have to come in and clean for any of you.

The kitchen should be spotless, including the floors every night. If I were you, I would talk to the school, show them the pics, and ask to be transferred. Good luck.” Capow1968

Another User Comments:

“Talk to the person in charge of your accommodations.

Explain what’s going on. Ask if you can move to another flat. I wouldn’t clean up after them at all. And management will probably advise you not to. You don’t have any authority over your roommates. Just because you choose to clean to avoid the fine does not mean you can throw their dishes away if they refuse to clean.

Don’t touch their stuff at all. It’s not your stuff. You’re not the jerk for wanting to live reasonably, for cleaning, and for wanting to avoid fines. YTJ for thinking you have the right to handle things the way that you did.” Rare-Selection2348

2 points - Liked by lebe and Joels

17. AITJ For Leaving My Parents' House After They Forced Me To Care For My Abandoned Nephew?


“I (19F) met my husband (20M) when we were both 18. Go back a couple of weeks before our meeting. I graduated in June of ’22, and my sister (26F) had a son, we’ll call him Jack when she was around 23 if I remember correctly.

My parents gave her a year to stay at our house for FREE just so she could get her life together. But my sister was heavily involved in bad habits and ended up deserting Jack at our house.

Now when I graduated, the weekend that I graduated my mom told me I needed to watch Jack for a “couple weeks” I said yes because I love my nephew. A couple of weeks later we found out that my sister was not planning on returning.

So Jack was our responsibility. I wasn’t too thrilled but went on with life. I met my partner about a week after this. I told him I had to watch my nephew and my partner didn’t mind.

I worked full time (42 hours a week) and watched my nephew during the day, brought him to work with me because I worked with my parents, and was trying to find time with my partner.

On the days I would spend time with him, I’d sleep at his house and had to wake up at 4:45 am to be home at 5. One day I woke up late and didn’t get home til 5:15 am, and my dad went absolutely bonkers.

He kept saying I needed to focus on my real responsibilities and stop hanging out with ‘that boy’. I would just agree and move on. But fast forward to September, I’m starting to get FED UP. I work and have to watch my nephew, I have no time for myself.

Fast forward a few more months to December 22′ my partner moves in and we have to start paying 600$ for one room, not an area, a room, in the upstairs of my parent’s house. Now that house has a lot of issues, the oven didn’t work, the shower was puny, and the bathtub leaked. I hated it, and so did my partner.

Our relationship started to get toxic just by the house we were in. So I go downstairs and tell my parents I wanna talk. But my dad blurts out “You don’t wanna watch Jack anymore do you?!” I nod and tell him I am tired of it.

And they were trying to pay me 3$ an hour for watching while I was working. He starts going on about how bad of a person I am, and how if I leave it will make things hard on my parents.

My partner says paying 600$ for a room is nonsense and my dad gets up and starts yelling in his face saying that he’s disrespectful towards him and blah blah blah.

I defended my partner because I wanted to and my dad started yelling at him.

My mom comes out and says that I don’t deserve to be paid for it anyway, and a whole bunch of other nonsense that I ignore. So I left that day with my partner. They started saying I was a bad person and blah blah blah.

This happened a year and some time ago, so idk AITJ?”

Another User Comments:

“NTJ You have been forced into a semi-motherly role to your nephew, with your parents doing the other half. You paying all that rent whilst also providing free childcare is also not fair on you.

What’s also not fair is that you are not the one who abandoned a child, and are a young adult starting your own life. Moving out to have your own thing, and helping out when/if you have the availability is completely fine and a good decision.

You need your own space to breathe and relax and use your off time for your enjoyment.” PandaLand447

Another User Comments:

“NTJ – Your parents were mistreating you. They are projecting their anger onto you. They are mad at your sister for abandoning Jack, and in their heads, they’ve transferred responsibility for Jack to you.

Your parents don’t have to keep Jack if they don’t want to, they can let him be adopted, or put in foster care. But THEY have chosen to keep him. You didn’t make that choice.

Jack is simply not your responsibility. And $600 rent sounds like a lot, considering the issues with the house, and that you were providing them with free childcare.” AnnaBanana3468

Another User Comments:

“Okay. NTJ. You guys are *super* young to be married, and that’s a bit concerning, but it sounds like you grew up in a *super* toxic environment.

Your nephew is not your responsibility, and he never should have been put on your shoulders. I can kind of see why your sister left, but she shouldn’t have left her son with them. I wish you all the best, and I hope you find happiness in life.” Queen_Sized_Beauty

2 points - Liked by lebe and Joels

16. AITJ For Refusing To Help My Niece Out Of Suspension And Canceling Babysitting Duties?


“I (34F) am a middle school teacher, I teach History to 7th and 8th graders.

One of my students is my niece, who’s in 8th grade.

On Tuesday last week, my niece was in the gym when they were playing their volleyball unit and they had started tournaments, the teams were chosen randomly by the teachers.

One of the kids on my niece’s team is a boy, I have him and he’s a very good kid, I also have most of his friends and they’re all very sweet boys. They’re also very defensive of their friend and will do anything to defend him, it’s amazing to see.

The boy is very competitive when it comes to P.E. class and got upset at my niece after she wasn’t trying and was more focused on talking to a friend on the team. This boy went up to his gym teacher to tell her that my niece and this other girl were talking about unrelated things instead of participating in the game.

He told them to participate more, but they didn’t and when the boy went up again, he gave the girls lunch detention.

Once the class was over and they were getting ready to go to the locker rooms, my niece went up to the boy and started to argue with him, including using a very mean word.

The boy told his friends what happened while they were at lunch and they immediately told him that they were going to the assistant principal to report what happened and told him to come along.

My niece got a week of in-school suspension as a result of her bullying.

My niece is no stranger to detention or in-school suspension, but this is the longest punishment she’s got.

On Wednesday, I checked my teacher’s email and saw my niece had emailed me asking to get her out of ISS, she emailed me two more times before the end of the day.

That night, I called my sister to tell her to tell my niece to stop emailing me and my sister told me that I should try to get her out of ISS because she’s my niece. I told her I would not do that and that I felt like she and my niece were violating my professional boundaries but she said that I was being a bad sister and bad aunt.

After this argument, I told her that I would not babysit her younger kids (11M, 8M, and 3M) on Saturday, which she wanted me to do because she was taking my niece to an arts and crafts fair, even though earlier I said I would.

We argued some more and eventually, I texted her a referral to the kid who babysits my kids, he’s 14 and a very sweet young man.

My sister ended up using him but got mad at me because she needed to pay him instead of using me as a free babysitter.

She said that I was showing both my kids and her kids that “it’s ok to not keep commitments” and that I was “doing a disservice” to them, I told her all I wanted was an apology for her daughter’s behavior in school, but she refused to offer one.


Another User Comments:

“NTJ In light of your niece bullying and getting a week of ISS, her mother should be appalled at her behavior and certainly should not be rewarding it by taking her on a special arts and crafts fair outing.

I do not blame you for not wanting to support your sister in making light of what your niece did by supporting her in taking niece out for a special weekend outing while you babysit for free all day.

If mom wants to engage in crappy parenting, she can do so on her own dime.” dragonsandvamps

Another User Comments:

“NTJ. Your niece bullied another student and was punished for it. Your sister and your niece wanted you to use your position to try to reverse a decision made by your superiors for her being a bully.

That would just teach her that actions have no consequences. I can’t believe her mother would still reward her for her behavior. It’s not about you breaking a commitment, it’s about you being told you’re a bad sister/aunt for not condoning bad behavior and so choosing not to babysit others to reward said behavior.

You also were being used as free labor and it’s your choice to not want to donate your free time, with no compensation, after your sister’s attitude. You gave her an option and she’s just mad she has to pay a teenager who is just trying to earn a little money.

And hey, power to the babysitter for breaking the gender norm of sitters. The other kid is a soft jerk for tattling twice in gym class. Doesn’t excuse what she did but he also needs to learn when to leave things alone.” mindonthebrink

2 points - Liked by lebe and Joels

15. AITJ For Using My Phone At My Mom's Partner's House Despite His 'Frequency Sensitivity'?


“I’m a 28-year-old male, and my mom (59F) has been living in the countryside with her partner, ‘Gary’ (58M), for the past few years. I cherish the times I can visit her; we’re close, and since she moved, I don’t see her as often.

My mom, being Italian, loves having company and taking care of her kids.

However, Gary makes it clear that it’s his house, not hers. This isn’t usually an issue, except for his belief in various conspiracy theories. One particular belief of his is that mobile phones, especially iPhones, emit harmful frequencies and radiation.

He claims to have a ‘disability’ that makes him sensitive to these frequencies, although he seems fine with all the mobile phones around him when we are in public.

When my siblings and I visit, G insists that our iPhones are giving him headaches.

He demands that we either put them in a metal box or leave them outside, a few meters away from the house. I’m turning 30 next year, and it does feel a bit like being a kid getting their iPad taken away, but I’ve been going along with it to keep the peace.

He justifies this by describing his house as a ‘Faraday cage’ and uses an EMF reader to show us the supposed spike in radiation. If he suspects phone usage, he’ll inspect the house with the meter and start complaining to my mom about headaches.

This puts Mom in a hard situation, as she has to go along with it.

Last week was a tough one, and my mom suggested I stay with them for the weekend. As he is fine with wired internet, I even bought a “LAN to Lightning” for my phone to help the situation, hoping for a peaceful visit.

Last night, I went to see her and consciously chose not to use my phone, leaving it in the guest bedroom with my belongings. Unfortunately, buying the adaptor turned out to be pointless. Gary still insisted that the frequencies would affect him regardless of whether the mobile network or even the phone itself was turned off.

To demonstrate, he used an EMF reader to show the various spikes in frequencies.

When I retired to the guest bedroom, I admit I did start using my phone to catch up on the day’s events. Almost immediately, Gary was outside the guestroom door with the EMF reader and began to complain, questioning whether I was on my phone.

This time, however, a disagreement ensued. I stepped out of the room to express that my intention was simply to spend time with my mother and have a relaxing weekend. I was particularly upset because I felt I had been genuinely trying to compromise.

His rebuttal was, ‘I have a disability, it’s my house, and you are not showing me respect.’

I’m trying to respect his rules in his home, but I’m frustrated by the extreme measures and their impact on my relationship with my mom.

I am willing to compromise, but I feel that I should at least be allowed to have my phone with me at night in the guest room.

AITJ for using my phone and subsequently voicing my opinion last night?”

Another User Comments:

“NTJ He has a disability, but one that could be treated by a mental health professional. He’s choosing not to deal with it. I would start asking your mother to visit with you somewhere else.” User

Another User Comments:

“YTJ but the “J” in that feels like it’s doing a lot of work here. He’s being unreasonable of course but it’s his house so he has a right to his unreasonable rules. Guests need to respect them, irrational though they may be.

And you do, you just have to have a time limit on how long you’re willing to do it for. But unless you have nowhere else to go, when you hit that limit the better option IMHO would be to leave and go somewhere else.

To him the “health concern” is very real and he has a right to do what he feels protects his health in his own home. He sounds like a piece of work but I’d say setting ridiculous rules for visitors is in-bounds.

Your job is to either adhere to them or leave. Side note: he sounds controlling in general and I hope that doesn’t come down on your mom.” rotdress

2 points - Liked by AnD13panD3rs and lebe

14. AITJ For Telling My Mom I'd Be Happier If She Had Divorced My Dad?


“So I (F15) have a mom (39F) and I’m just so done with everything. I am from a country, where kids choose their major in 9th grade, and attend high school for the major they picked based on if they pass the entrance exams, and I chose medical school.

I didn’t want to, my mom did. It’s mostly about chemistry and I’m just horrible at chemistry. Which means I’m currently failing it. Along with physics, math, and biology because those are also subjects I’m horrible at.

I used to be a good student in middle school, 99% of my grades used to be A’s, but that changed. The school I go to is the hardest in my city, and it shows.

Well, like an hour ago, I left the door to my room slightly open and heard my mom talking on the phone, I didn’t care until I heard my name. She was calling her friend to tell her how I don’t care about my studies at all and how I’m disrespectful and I blame her for everything.

That is not true. I study, a lot. I try to watch videos on YouTube that explain chemistry, physics, etc.. but I just don’t understand ANYTHING. I’ve cried many times wishing I just understood. I don’t, the school doesn’t care, they told me to learn at home.

And about me being disrespectful, I assume that’s because of what happened a few days ago. I used to have a therapist, but she wasn’t covered by my insurance so my parents paid for it, and now there’s a therapist covered by my insurance who took me in, and when she asked me if I wanted to talk to her alone or with my mom present, I told her that I want to talk to her alone, and my mom told her that I’m disrespectful and will probably lie to her to get sympathy.

She’s the whole reason I even wanted therapy. She used to treat me horribly as a child, like leaving the house and telling me she was leaving me forever when I was like 5, she kicked me out of the house when I was around 6 for no apparent reason, always screaming and blaming me, threatening to K word herself..

that’s just some of the things. I’ve been put on antidepressants (specifically Zoloft and mirtazapine) but I’m running out, my psychiatrist gave me a recipe for a refill, but my mom threw it out saying I don’t need it because I don’t have depression.

However, well after she ended the call with her friend, I confronted her about it. She started calling me selfish and how I’m ungrateful and she’s not gonna give me anything for my birthday that’s in like 8 days.

Sincerely, I do not care. I don’t want anything from her. I told her I wish she had divorced my dad when they had problems because everyone would be happier and I wouldn’t ever come to see her because she’s the reason I’m in therapy.

She started crying and called her friend again. I’m so done I literally can’t do this any more, I’m tired of her. AITJ?”

Another User Comments:

“NTJ, is there any way to live with someone else? Your mother sounds incredibly toxic… Especially with overriding your doctor’s diagnosis.

I think you only told her the truth, and she caused it for herself. I hope you can get help from someone.” Suzanna

Another User Comments:

“Everyone sucks here, but at your age, that’s kind of to be expected. Regarding the subjects you’re struggling in, try the CrashCourse videos on YouTube.

They’re free & excellent.” WikidStep

Another User Comments:

“Everyone sucks here but mostly your mom. You shouldn’t yell and such. But, dang, your mom is not making your life easy. Why do folks like this even have kids.” justcelia13

2 points - Liked by lebe and Joels

13. AITJ For Rejecting Wedding Rings Chosen By My Partner's Mother?


“My partner and I have been together for nearly 10 years. We’ve bought a house together, own a dog, and have operated as a married couple despite delaying our wedding due to unforeseen health circumstances (I needed an unexpected surgery and then had a long recovery time).

We’re financially comfortable and are finally ready for a wedding now, but a fancy wedding has never been on our agenda, and we don’t care for jewelry as far as wedding rings or proposal rings go. We’ve both expressed that we’d be perfectly happy doing something small — a minimalistic ring, a small proposal, and a small wedding ceremony would be great.

He asked me if I cared about what kind of ring we’d get for our wedding, and I said it didn’t matter to me as it was just for the sentiment and not the value of the item.

All I ask is that the proposal be something special because it’d be a once-in-a-lifetime thing.

Today, however, his mother showed up at our house, unannounced, while he was at work, with two ring boxes. When I said the rings didn’t matter, he thought it meant he could just forego choosing a ring entirely and just have his mother choose them.

He’d sent his mother a picture of an approximate style for what he wanted, and she took the liberty of picking both the final products for the proposal ring and the wedding ring without ever consulting him. He never even followed up to check what she was picking before decisions were finalized!

It was as touch-and-go as essentially sending your mother to IKEA and telling her to pick a chair – anything is fine as long as it’s pink!

So she picked for him and got them made, but then decided, to forget his plan to do a special proposal or keep the rings a surprise because she was excited!

So she’s just going to just show up at my house and show them to me! Right now!

To say I’m livid is an understatement.

I rejected the rings, and now my partner is upset and not understanding why I’m angry.

He said I’d told him the rings didn’t matter, so why did it matter if his mother chose them? But as far as I’m concerned, while the ring itself did not matter, I thought I’d made it clear that the sentiment behind it was what I valued. What sentiment is there if he didn’t even put any effort into choosing it, and wasn’t even present when his mother spontaneously delivered it?

What was that? Is Mommy going to do his wedding speech for him too?

Now he says I’ve misled him by stating it didn’t matter. But is it not common sense?

If he were hypothetically asking me what I wanted for dinner instead, and I’d said anything was fine, it should not need to be said that I’d expect actual *edible dinner food* and not $80 of chocolate or something.

At MINIMUM I just wanted him to pick something meaningful!

I feel bad for rejecting these stupid rings but I simply cannot accept them when there is fundamentally no sentiment to them at all. It’d be a waste of money to want new rings but AITJ for wanting these replaced?”

Another User Comments:

“NTJ – I can understand getting a woman’s opinion on a piece of jewelry. His mistake was not going with his mother to the jewelry store – actually, your mother/sister/friend would have been a better choice.

Stop saying things like ‘sentimental’ and ‘meaningful’, he won’t understand what you mean. To him, one ring is not more ‘meaningful’ than the next in the display case. Keep your point to the effort that he put into choosing it.

Wearing the ring would be a constant reminder that you didn’t care enough to pick it yourself.” Impossible_Rain_4727

Another User Comments:

“What I read is that you didn’t want to invest money and budget in the ring, but thoughts and memories.

The love language wasn’t the gift but the effort/time. He missed the mark on this. His mom could have helped *him* and made it a special memory for *him* but you felt he passed off the effort and sentiment of the ring and event.

But maybe you need to explain it differently if saying you “didn’t care about the ring” is what he heard when you talked. NTJ for not wanting the ring his mom bought. That was not a gift from him.” Major_Barnacle_2212

2 points - Liked by lebe and Joels

12. AITJ For Keeping My Sixth Pregnancy Quiet From My Dad?


“We became pregnant with our 6th child. She was unplanned & I struggled to come to terms with it. I’d just started studying for a new job which I had to put on hold. After being a SAHM for 5 years I was looking forward to being me again.

We kept the pregnancy to ourselves, not hiding it, just having time to process it. When announcing our 5th pregnancy my dad was disapproving and couldn’t even muster a smile. For this pregnancy, we didn’t tell our children until I was 7 months old.

At 8 months my mum & stepdad visited so we had to tell them and they were supportive and understanding. I was still worried about telling my dad/stepmum. I was anxious about how he would react, so my mum offered to do it.

That added fuel to the fire. Dad was not happy. When the baby was born, we sent the usual message to close family announcing the birth. Shortly after we posted on social media. My dad immediately sent a big message to my SO complaining about only finding out 10 minutes before social media and how he was disappointed etc. We were still in the delivery room and he was still more bothered about himself.

The pregnancy was high risk and I had extra checkups/scans. We had appointments every day leading up to the birth.

My mum/stepdad came to stay with us that week to look after the other children so we could focus on the baby.

When home from the hospital I posted a photo of my mum and stepdad holding the baby and wrote something like ‘Thank you to my parents for help and support…’ My dad took this as a personal insult.

Why can’t I celebrate two of my parents just because the other two are being unreasonable? I then ignored my dad’s calls for a while. I was stressed & upset & taking care of a newborn. All he cared about was having the last word.

My mum tried to explain how I felt but my stepmum called her a condescending jerk. My stepmum said all she’s bothered about is how this has affected my dad (no concerns for me or her 6 grandchildren) I sobbed on the phone to my dad trying to explain how I felt.

He wouldn’t back down (I can’t imagine hearing my child in that much distress and still standing my ground!) so eventually agreed to draw a line.

They never came to visit so when I went home for a few days I visited them.

My dad was ‘normal’. My stepmum behaved like a grumpy teen. Barely spoke & purposely woke the baby by stomping past her. She pretty much ignored the other children too. It’s made me not want to have anything to do with them.

The last time we visited it was an impromptu overnight stay as my SO was working nearby. I didn’t tell my bro & popped around to him randomly to say hi. Within minutes of my SIL sharing a photo of the kids saying ‘What a lovely surprise,’ my stepmum texted her demanding to know if it was a surprise….

From SPAIN! They weren’t in the country so couldn’t have seen us anyway. I don’t feel like having a relationship. All effort from me & just hurt back. AITJ?”

Another User Comments:

“NTJ. You needed support, you knew they wouldn’t provide it, and they proceeded to prove you right.

I’m sure there was some legitimate hurt about finding out this information so late but the background and prior experiences illustrate why with this pregnancy that’s how you chose to process. Sounds like you should significantly cut down on their role in your life, including ceasing the visits.” owls_and_cardinals

1 points - Liked by lebe

11. AITJ For Banning My In-Laws After They Misused My Home And Car While I Was On Vacation?


“I am traveling out of my home country with my family. While away, we (husband and I) asked my husband’s mother’s husband (not technically a stepfather to my husband, but we’ll give him the title for this post) to watch our home and my dog (13M, Shiba Inu).

I also have a backup to check on my house (friend).

Three days into an international vacation. Everyone is trying to contact me for an emergency. Step-father allegedly came to my home – and found the door open and my dog gone.

He sent photos of an open, partially locked door leading me to initially believe someone broke in.

My first step was to find my dog. I contacted local lost and found pet organizations, my backup checked local shelters, social media ads were put up, I notified my dog’s microchip company, and updated the info.

While coordinating all of this, we learned stepfather did not lock the door properly and the wind blew the door open. We have an electronic lock, which step-father (SF) is familiar with – he used to live in our basement.

The door will lock automatically after a certain amount of time, but if the door isn’t closed all the way the deadbolt will not secure the door (SF guaranteed knows this – I’ve instructed him on this myself/in person).

We recently had some inclement weather leading me to believe the door wasn’t locked properly, and wind blew the door open.

I had SF take photos of my home and my husband and I determined nothing was currently missing or out of place.

Due to SF’s irresponsibility, and not keeping my animals safe as promised, SF was notified he would be relieved of watching my home and is not to go back.

My backup person (friend) was my point of contact on my flyers for my dog.

After about 12 hours my dog was found, my back up friend was notified, backup friend picked him up and took him home. My friend sends me photos and messages me every time he checks on the house and my pets (other pets are in enclosures/tanks).

The next day (today), a friend sent me a photo of a stack of papers and a package that was not in the house previously. I had someone contact SF to confirm he was my home – he was.

My friend sent me a video of him confirming my home was secure (friend’s initiative, not my request); and I noticed his car was in my driveway. I had a sinking feeling and asked my friend to look for my spare keys (he had the primary set).

No keys were found and my car wasn’t in my community parking.

After contacting SF, mother-in-law (MIL), and grandmother-in-law, MIL’s mom) GMIL – SF lent my car to GMIL without permission or notice, confirming my suspicions.

I demanded my car be returned immediately or I would report the vehicle as stolen. My friend is at my house waiting to receive the keys in person.

We (husband and I) have had multiple instances/issues with MIL, SF, and GMIL lying to us and refusing to take accountability – they are now banned from my home, and door codes will be changed. Husband agrees.

I’m livid and feel very betrayed – AITJ?”

Another User Comments:

“Obvious NTJ, no one has the right to take your car or share it without your permission. Also should respect your boundaries once established – would maybe forgive if apologetic or owned up to the mistake with the door but doesn’t look like that’s the case.

You have the right to ban them once trust is broken.” blanketsandplants

Another User Comments:

“NTJ. But for the life of me, I can’t fathom why you entrusted the house and dog to SF’s care in the first place.

You already knew this family cannot be trusted” CalendarDad.

Another User Comments:

“NTJ for saying thank you but I’ve made other arrangements. It’s reasonable to expect at that point that the person would stop entering. And under no circumstances would it be okay to borrow the car.

When I got to the last two paragraphs it seemed like there was a pattern of disrespect, wow! Is SL getting up there in age? I just ask because it could provide more context if he is. I have seen things like this increase in some of the families in my life when they get up there.

It was shocking to me at first because I knew what they’d been like for the decade before. They *should* know certain things or do certain things.” allthekittensnuggles

1 points - Liked by lebe

10. AITJ For Refusing To Continue Tutoring My Nieces Without Compensation?


“I (F 22) have been helping my two nieces (F 10 and 9) with their homework since the oldest was in TK (transitional kindergarten).

As the years progressed, my brother, their father, asked me for help frequently, which was not a problem at first, since I had nothing else going on at the time.

During 2020, when they were doing school through their laptop, I would spend weeks at my brother’s house to help with getting them logged in and help with their homework, which I didn’t mind.

However, I think my willingness to help is what led to this.

Lately, my brother has been asking more and more if I am available to help his girls with homework. The problem lies in the fact that I have been feeling very used, receiving no compensation for basically tutoring them.

As I said before, at first it wasn’t a problem because I loved spending time with them. Over time it got overwhelming, and I tried expressing that to my brother, but he brushed it off.

Toward the end of the summer, he called my mom (since that’s the easier way to reach me) and asked if I was available to help my niece with a project she had for school.

My mom asked me if I was okay with it, and I said sure. The next morning I show up at my brother’s house to find out that the project is due the following morning. This isn’t a project that was just thrust upon my niece, either.

She had all summer to do this. (The project was her summer reading, by the way, which she should have done on her own). On finding this out, I asked my brother and SIL why they hadn’t done it themselves.

SIL responded that they were busy and didn’t have time, which I knew was false as they had gone to the state fair and done other fun things over the summer. I didn’t say anything since I don’t like confrontation, but this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened, and I was beginning to get fed up.

Once I returned home I had a long talk with my mother about this and we both agreed that if they asked me for help again I would say no unless my brother would pay me the same rate he paid their former tutor.

Lo and behold, a few weeks ago he called and asked if I was available to help. I told him “Unless you’re going to pay me, no. I’m not going to tutor them for free anymore.” He didn’t handle that well, calling me lazy and selfish.

As I said before, I don’t have much going on, but it’s because I have medical issues that keep me at home most of the time. I can’t leave on my own due to this, which he’s known for several years.

My issues get exacerbated by stress, and this situation was causing me immense amounts of stress and anxiety.

I didn’t mean for this to be so long, but I just wanted to know if I was the jerk here.”

Another User Comments:

“NTJ – your brother is exploiting your time and energy. He shouldn’t feel entitled to your labor, and if he’s gonna rely on you so much, he should have been proactive about compensating you (if not w/funds then through some kind of barter–maybe he brings you stuff you want to buy but don’t have the energy to go get yourself, for instance).

It shouldn’t have even gotten to the point where you had to ask. Not to mention that you articulated feeling this way before, so he can’t even act blindsided (even though, again, he almost certainly knows he’s exploiting you).” naijas_mm

Another User Comments:

“NTJ. Set those boundaries now- as they get older the work only gets bigger and harder and your brother and SIL have no interest in helping their kids. If they want a substantial time commitment from you they are keeping you from another job/tutoring gig/life events and need to acknowledge the toll it takes on your life.

If they’re not going to be thankful with words and appreciation, then they need to be thankful with their wallets!” SpicyTurtle38

Another User Comments:

“NTJ sorry to say but they have gotten so used to you jumping in and helping.

Not a bad thing as you were happy to help. They feel you owe them something. They learned that you are always going to save the kids. Again not a bad thing but your brother needs to learn to either pay that tutor or pay you.

Easy as that. They know they are using you. I mean they know nothing in life is free and your time is important too.” Ok_Extension8822

1 points - Liked by lebe

9. AITJ For Letting My Daughter Decide If She Wants A Relationship With Her Father?


“My (40f) ex-husband (36m), we’ll call him Chad, and I have been divorced since our daughter (12f), we’ll call her Abba, was about 1.

He had substance use issues at that time (i.e. he drank too much and was stealing the oxy I had left from my C-section and lying to me about it). But we were able to amicably separate and mostly civilly co-parent until about 3 years ago.

In hindsight, I should have filed for custody with the divorce, but I was young and stupid, scared of the situation I was in, scared of him taking her from me, and I rationalized that he ‘never drove under the influence’ and that his family was there to help support him and keep an eye on her.

They’re not good excuses, and I try not to hate myself for that choice, but here we are.

At the 3-year ago mark, I discovered that Chad was using substances. I had known that something was amiss, his behavior had become erratic and irrational, and we were struggling more than we ever had to get on the same page with issues involving our daughter.

I even attempted to go to counseling with him so we could try to find common ground (he made it to one of the several appointments I made, and never again). In the meantime, I was gaslighted over and over about his behavior and my concerns about him being around our daughter with the raging outbursts he was having.

As soon as I had confirmation about the substances, I removed our daughter from his care. She was 9. Certainly old enough to know that things were not ok. I was open and honest with her about the situation, in a child-appropriate manner, sparing her the gory details, because there were…a lot.

But she knew he was taking substances that altered his mental status and made him an unsafe person to be around.

Fast forward through the year of rehabs, relapses, arrests, harassment, being caught on video attempting to break into our backyard in the middle of the night, faked deaths, and soliciting all kinds of funds.

I obtained full legal/physical custody of our daughter. Not long after, Abba and I moved across the country. In no small part because Chad has never met a boundary he wouldn’t cross.

It was the most exhausting and terrifying period of my entire life.

So we left. I’ve stayed in bare minimum contact with him over the last year and a half partly to keep tabs, partly in case he was clean and Abba wanted to have a relationship with him. I periodically send him photos and updates.

I told him that if he could prove he was clean for a year I would allow Abba to talk/facetime/write letters (sent to a PO box in another city because he does not get to know where we live) if she wanted to.

She doesn’t want to. He thinks I should be encouraging her to have a relationship with him. I think she doesn’t owe him anything. He thinks I shouldn’t have told her the truth about his substance use. I’ve been very clear with her, numerous times, that I would support whatever relationship she wanted (or didn’t want) with him.


Another User Comments:

“NTJ. Choices have consequences, a lesson Chad should already know. Good on you for being open and clear with your daughter. His choice to cross boundaries in full display of y’all’s child, and make your life a living nightmare for a while is now reaping its consequences.

He should be thankful that he even has the opportunity to be a part of y’all’s life after the fact and just focus on being a better man and father.” Exotic-Amphibian9692

Another User Comments:

“NTJ is her person and learning that she can choose her boundaries including who she talks to is important.

If she wants at some point to talk to him you have a good safety plan in place and have told her she can make contact if she wants. Your ex made his choice and now has to handle the fallout.” AppropriateSail4

Another User Comments:

“NTJ. My parents divorced when I was Abbas’s age. Despite expressing my desire not to have any relationship with my dad, I was compelled to do so. When you are a kid, the only way to truly have boundaries is if your parents affirm and uphold them.

Even if one parent “doesn’t interfere” with a relationship, what they are doing is not protecting their kid despite their kid requesting (or demonstrating they need) their help to get away. I am convinced that not being able to limit unhealthy relationships as a child is one reason why so many children of divorce struggle in their adult relationships.

You’re doing the right thing — don’t sell out your daughter just because people are trying to guilt you with a false idea that parents have a right to their children.” BigAd6148

1 points - Liked by lebe

8. AITJ For Not Informing My Parents About My Hospitalization Until After Discharge?


“My (30m) father (60’s) fell seriously ill just after I left for a two-week vacation a few years back. The illness came on very suddenly and the doctor told my father he was lucky to be alive.

Upon my return, I learned about what had happened and I was upset and worried he was ill but happy he was ok and recovering.

However, I didn’t feel upset about them not telling me as it was happening. I thought it was incredibly kind of them to make the decision not to tell me and to give me that trip without worrying about his health.

It would be a very different story had he passed away, but here is where I struggle. My emotional intelligence is poor, so I have a very hard time putting myself in the shoes of someone who wasn’t told about the illness until it was too late.

With that backstory out of the way, last week I got sick. After 3 days of being sick, I went to the hospital. The doctor did some bloodwork and when they got the results, they informed me they were keeping me overnight for observation.

I called my wife and made arrangements for work and for our child to be taken care of while I was indisposed. My wife told me I should call my parents and let them know what was happening, but I disagreed.

My reasoning was:

1.) While the doctor suspected it was something significant, the suspected illness has a wide range of outcomes – from “on my deathbed” to “false alarm”.

2.) I’m privileged that my parents are great people, love me as a parent should, and will drop whatever they are doing on a moment’s notice and bend over backward to help me out.

It is exhausting. They lose all concept of practicality if there is an opportunity to go above and beyond for friends or family.

3.) The biggest thing I needed for recovery was rest and focusing on anything but how bad it hurt.

If I let them know what was going on, they would strongly recommend I let them visit me, which I could turn down. But what I wouldn’t be able to do is stop the barrage of texts that would flood in at all hours with recommendations, advice, or requests for updates.

After the observation night ended and the doctors confirmed their diagnosis, I was discharged and told to take acetaminophen for the pain and just wait until everything resolved. Here’s where I may be the jerk – once I got back home and got settled, I neglected to call my parents until the following morning like a jerk.

When I finally did call, I was properly on the road to full recovery and they were exceptionally put off. They aren’t moving on their stance, my wife tells me I’m the jerk, and I wouldn’t have done anything differently if I had to do it over again.

The main point I hear is “How would you feel if your child did it to you?” And my response is “I’ve got bad emotional intelligence so IDK but something similar-ish happened before and it was ok.”

So, AITJ?”

Another User Comments:

“When my husband was in the hospital, it was I who informed family members. Why didn’t your wife let them know? If you do not want to be inundated with texts or phone calls, then turn off your phone.

I completely understand not wanting to worry people when you don’t know what is going on, but you seem more concerned about being bothered. Your parents may be overreacting but not knowing much about your relationship with them makes it difficult to determine who is the jerk.” alge1960

Another User Comments:

“NTJ. When you have a partner, they take care of things when you can’t. When my wife was dealing with having preemie births (twice three years apart, the NICU knew as well) I took care of everything outside the hospital and she took care of herself in the hospital between my visits.

Your spouse should have been the one notifying people if it was that important, you were busy taking care of yourself.” verminiusrex

Another User Comments:

“No jerks here. They’re all allowed to have feelings and what you did doesn’t make you a jerk.

We all handle this differently. You didn’t want to make a mountain out of a molehill if that was the diagnosis and turns out it was. Waiting a day or two doesn’t make a difference because you’re ok.

If you were dying or had moments left, then obviously it matters. I had a similar thing a while back and was in the ER and even referred to specialists who were trying to figure out what was wrong with me.

I didn’t tell my parents who don’t live in the same country as me because I didn’t want to worry them unnecessarily. I waited until they gave me a formal diagnosis and I told them the entire story.

The difference between my parents and yours is they didn’t react like yours did. They understood that I was an adult and had my own life and did things my way. I didn’t want them to worry unnecessarily and they understood that.” archetyping101

1 points - Liked by lebe

7. AITJ For Paying My Aunt's Expensive Birthday Dinner Bill Instead Of My Grandma?


“To be clear this happened over a year ago, but my aunt and my grandma are still not talking to me, which makes me think maybe I am the jerk here.

My aunt was turning 60 and asked to have her birthday dinner at an expensive steakhouse.

Nobody in my family is rich besides my dad and grandpa, neither of which were able to make it, but I still went, as well as my grandma, my cousin, my brother, and our significant others. My grandma was the only person who brought a present as joining my aunt for this expensive dinner was all we budgeted for her birthday.

Throughout the meal, my grandma checked out all the prices and ordered the cheapest options, meanwhile, my aunt ordered the most expensive steak, asked for an added lobster tail ($50 itself), and ordered a dessert and a second meal to go.

Essentially, she was set to eat for the week when it came to box up leftovers. She also ordered a heavy drinker’s beverage even though she can’t medically drink booze, but took a few sips.

When the check came, my grandma was in the bathroom.

The server asked how to divide it and my aunt said to put her food on my grandma’s tab. She snickered and I guess the rest of us thought she was just playing a prank. But when my grandma got back and got her bill, she just about had a heart attack before she realized what happened, and told my aunt that she couldn’t afford it (for context, my grandma recently had to sell her house and get a job out of retirement because she is broke).

My aunt argued, saying things like “Well don’t you have a credit card”, “If I was one of your dogs you would”, and “Well Dad would pay for it if he was here” (again, my grandpa is rich and definitely could afford it).

My grandma just kept insisting she couldn’t afford it, getting more and more sad and ashamed.

Finally, I just put my credit card on the table and said “I’ll pay for it. Just shut up.” She then argued that I was her nephew and shouldn’t have to pay for her meal, but that her mom should because it was her birthday.

This also got my grandma to offer to put all the funds she had ($100) for the bill and my aunt paid the rest (over $150). My aunt further made comments that “She paid for her birthday dinner” and how sad that was.

My grandma’s food was $30 max. So she still paid for a significant portion.

After that, my husband and I got out of there. We hugged everyone except my aunt and just left. I let my cousin know that we were no longer talking to her mom for now and didn’t invite her to either of our birthday celebrations.

When my grandma found out she was upset, as was my aunt who found out from my grandma.

Since it has been almost two years, I have texted my grandma and aunt on their birthdays and holidays with no response.

This has got me thinking maybe I overreacted on my aunt’s birthday.

So… am I the jerk?”

Another User Comments:

“NTJ. Your aunt made a greedy pig of herself and while it was kind of you to offer her an olive branch, she didn’t deserve it.

Your grandma may just be embarrassed about the whole thing, or she’s being manipulated by your aunt or both, but I’d give grandma every opportunity to repair the relationship.” Existing_Fox_6317

Another User Comments:

“NTJ. Aunt is the jerk.

I would say Rich Gramps is a jerk too. These people are fine with an old woman, grandma must be around 80 having to sell her house and go back to work?! All you did was offer to pay and avoid having to witness any more of Auntie’s jerk-ery.” Seed_Planter72

1 points - Liked by lebe

6. AITJ For Telling My Sister Our Parents' House Smells Bad Due To Constant Smoking?


“My parents have been smoking every day indoors for years. Eventually, they started smelling like mud, smoke, and dogs. It was very unpleasant, but I wasn’t going to mention it. When my parents held my baby, he’d smell for the rest of the day until I washed his clothes and bathed him.

I just put up with it without comment.

Then my sister Ruth moved back in with my parents. She smokes for a chronic pain condition. She has been helping my parents renovate their house and is doing a lot of improvements, as the house was falling into disrepair.

Meanwhile, the smell was growing. There were holidays and they gave us gifts. The wrapping had the smell. Then the gifts. I had another baby and moved into a new house. The clothes and toys they gave the baby reeked. Gifts left on the porch were so pungent that we always knew who they were from.

I’ve visited a few times. It’s looking nice, but I can smell the house from the street. When I return, I have to wash before my family will come near me.

On Christmas Ruth made cookies. My brother Ron (m 38) immediately asked me if they were “special” cookies.

No one wanted to eat them. Ruth then spent countless hours making macarons for my dad’s retirement party. Ron and his wife both tasted the macarons and didn’t want any more because of the herbal aftertaste. I felt terrible because my husband and I didn’t want them either.

“We just don’t really like macarons,” Ron told her, sending her home with dozens of uneaten cookies.

Ruth wants to bring the house back to its former glory. I asked her if she was going to fix the odor.

She said there isn’t one. I admitted that her cookies tasted like the house smells and she became infuriated, insulted me, and gave me a chance to take it back and admit I was lying. I told her that I couldn’t stand to see all the hard work she was doing go to waste because of the smoke damage.

She works so hard, is so thoughtful, and spends so much on baking, gifts, and home renovations. Endless smoking indoors every single day for years on end is taking its toll on the house, and no matter how well she seems to clean it, the smell never leaves.

She has stopped talking to me. It’s been a week and I’ve also told my mother about the smell. She doesn’t believe me and doesn’t care, but is demanding that I apologize to Ruth and that I lie about the smell, saying that I must be wrong.

Even if I do that, I’ll still have to continue washing and/or throwing out anything they give me, and I still can’t bring my young kids there until it’s dealt with, so this “argument” is just going to keep happening.

It’s a huge growing elephant that no one wants to accept or acknowledge, and I’m not sure how to proceed. As the middle child, I’ve always been a huge people pleaser, but with the help of recent therapy, I’ve been trying to be honest and establish boundaries for myself and my family.

So, AITJ? Do I owe my sister an apology?”

Another User Comments:

“Nope NTJ, my aunt smokes inside and the place stinks can smell it from outside, we don’t visit too often as your clothes stink and you need to wash them when you leave.

She has given gifts in the original wrapper and it stinks of smoke. Completely understand where you’re coming from.” Ordinary-Ad8164

Another User Comments:

“NTJ I am an ex-smoker, when My Wife and I did smoke we smoked at the back door, as do/did all guests.

We never allow smoking in the house, we spend too much on décor and furnishings for it to be ruined by smoke. Your parents and sister are nose blind, their sense of smell is already dulled from smoking, and because they are in it all the time they just don’t smell it.

TBH I would not be taking children to that house, such a shame that gifts have to be thrown away. You should not have to wash all your clothes and take a shower just having visited someone” Successful_Bath1200.

1 points - Liked by lebe

5. AITJ For Not Going To My Female Best Friend's Events Without An Invite?


“So my best friend is a female and I am a male and I do feel that has some influence on this situation because she sees things from her point of view and not mine, as one would imagine.

So often on weekends my best friend has times she sends me pictures of her hanging out with girls and it’s girls’ night. I’ve never received an invite because girls’ night seems pretty explanatory.

Not too long ago I posted on my Snapchat that my buddy went out to the clubs before he went to South America to make things work with his wife and she messaged us both asking where’s her invite.

Fast forward to the event in question since I feel that’s enough backstory. We are talking and on Thursday and she mentions it’s DJ Disney at a concert venue in our town tomorrow night on Friday.

She says she’s going with her girls. I tell her oh cool have fun. She goes out all the time and never invites me. When she says oh it was lady’s night or chick time and I ask then why are there a bunch of dudes in your Snapchat pics she says oh they just showed up.

So Friday comes she messages me during the concert and sends some pics and I’m like huh fun.

Don’t rub it in now.

Her response is you could have come I didn’t have to invite you.

This baffles and irritates me. It seems even though times I’ve been going to my friend’s bar or out with friends she knows where she always prys an invite out of me. She says should I come I don’t know do I want to.

It’s obvious so I tell her to stop playing games and come.

She has some inkling of how taking her advice would make me feel.

A male alone shows up somewhere and her friends are like oh did you invite him?

No? Did he come with anyone? No? Is he meeting anyone here? No?

Why’s he here?

Oh, you mentioned off-hand you were coming and he decided to just show up….

Is she right and I should just show up despite how incredibly uncomfortable that would make me?

I have a hard enough time going to support my friends DJing downtown (shout out to check out podcast) but they at least invited me.

Would I not look incredibly weird and awkward and borderline creepy and stalker-ish to just show up, especially in this day and age?

A woman could do this but I feel even then she’s risking some perturbed looks.

I haven’t been called creeper or stalker since like 7th grade and then it was jokingly and it was something I disliked so much despite not caring what others think I feel that is a whole different category I have been hyper-aware of not being labeled as I don’t feel it’s a good label to have.

Am I just being sensitive and overthinking it like she says? Could I have just shown up unannounced uninvited and no one would have found it odd at all?

Am I being the overly sensitive jerk or is she being an unaware jerk?”

Another User Comments:

“NTJ. Though if you want to hang out with her on girls’ night then you should ask for an invite, instead of just saying “Oh cool”. If you’re going out and she wants to go with she asks for an invite, and you should do that too.

Otherwise she might suppose that you’re just not interested in going.” User

Another User Comments:

“NTJ but I feel this might be coming from a place of mismatched expectations. It sounds like your assumption is she’s your friend, so if she wanted you to come she’d request your presence.

Her assumption seems to be that you know she wants you there because she’s your friend (already). I’m in a similar position to you tbh; I like to feel like my presence is wanted not just expected or tolerated, and being asked is part of that.

IMO this is about an accommodation you want/need in the friendship and her willingness to compromise, not getting in invite; only you have the context on how important that need is for you.” microwaved__soap

1 points - Liked by lebe

4. AITJ For Not Wanting To Use My Insurance To Fix The Car Of The Woman Who Hit Me?


“I (22F) was shopping for my workplace (work in a restaurant) and doing my usual route that goes through all the places I have to visit.

There’s this awful roundabout in the city where people get a little lost because it has a lot of exits so they recently installed traffic lights ( in my opinion it got a bit more confusing after that) the roundabout has three lanes I was driving in the middle lane, I wanted to go left and there was already a car on the left lane and honestly, I’d rather be in front than behind any car whenever I can.

When the light got green I stepped on the gas and before my car was even able to move the car on the left lane simply went right and smashed the left side of my bumper, and it didn’t even stop, I smashed my honk and went after it.

We both stopped and she (48F) and I got into a huge argument, my car got the worst of it, the left side of the bumper was pulled off of it and her car had the whole side scratched cause she rubbed her car in mine.

I will admit I was mad because this is basic driving, if you wanna go right you stay either in the middle or the right lane, if you are in the wrong lane you turn on your blinker and wait until cars who are in the right lane either give you space to change lanes or pass you.

But she wouldn’t listen, she kept saying I was the one who was wrong and that my car was too close to hers.

We called the police to register the accident and they said that legally they could not help us, we either reached an agreement with each other or went to court to resolve it.

She doesn’t have insurance, I do and it will cover everything, my dilemma here is that I could fix her car through my insurance and it wouldn’t cost me any extra penny, but honestly, I don’t want to do that because she doesn’t deserve it, I was nervous the day of the accident and she kept calling her husband to go there and kept saying she would sue me for disrespecting her (I asked if she had gotten driving lessons because it sure didn’t look like it and might have called her crazy and reckless) if I had free time (and money to spare) I’d fight to make her pay both cars but I don’t have the means to do it.

My Dad wants to include her car because it won’t cost us anything, she knows we have insurance because I was alone the day of the accident so I called my insurance guy and he went to the site to rescue me, he got her info and her contact and he is the one talking to her not me, if she goes the legal route she is gonna lose because there’s not much to discuss about who was wrong in that situation.

AITJ for not wanting to include her car in my insurance and forcing her to pay to fix it herself?”

Another User Comments:

“NTJ No, you don’t just get to add the repair costs of the driver who was at fault to your claim.   You truthfully tell your insurance what happened (she sideswiped you) and your insurance company will determine whether the other driver is at fault (they don’t pay for her repairs) or whether you’re at fault (they pay for her repairs).

If you’re found to be at fault, your insurance will increase your premiums.  They may increase your insurance premiums if you aren’t at fault, but it will be more if you’re at fault. If you haven’t already, you should go in and file a police report about the incident.  You should also write that the other driver was uninsured.” Teresa’s

Another User Comments:

“NTJ I guess you’re in the USA? I would notify your insurance company and get them to repair your vehicle. But I think you are mistaken in thinking it won’t cost you anything. Your premiums will go up the next year.

At the very least you should notify your insurance and fill out an accident form. Let the insurance company sort out the blame. Never get involved in a roadside argument, as you never know if the other person has a weapon or a mental illness.” seandc121

Another User Comments:

“I don’t understand: this isn’t your decision to make. Not unless this is in a country where insurance works differently from the US. Usually, you call the insurance company, you describe the accident, whatever’s in the police report says who’s at fault… and then the insurance company decides.

There’s a clause in your insurance for uninsured motorists if someone is hurt if you’re found to be at fault — but it doesn’t cover their car.” icarusancalion

1 points - Liked by lebe

User Image
Joels 3 months ago
I’ve done insurance defense and you don’t get to choose if her car gets fixed. The insurance adjuster does that. Honestly I feel some of these posts are fake when people post something like this. Do your research if you want us to believe your post.
1 Reply

3. AITJ For Having A Last Full Day Hangout With My Male Friend?


“I (23F) have been friends with this guy (27M) for like, three years now.

We started as casual acquaintances but eventually realized we worked better as friends than anything else, so we stopped messing around that way about five months into our friendship. We remained close have a great friendship and have gotten each other through a lot of stuff.

He started seeing a girl (25F). She was kind to me at the beginning of their relationship, but as time went on she became very weird/aggro towards me. Like making sly jokes about my weight since I’m a big girl and how I was the “biggest (friend) had ever been with,” (which is true but darn lol).

My friend called her out on it each time she tried it, so she eventually backed off. I don’t say anything because I want to keep the peace, but I’ll admit it does bother me because, at the start of their relationship, I liked her and thought we could be great friends.

However, she and my friend got into a fight about how much time he spent with me. According to him, she wants me and him to “cut back” on our friendship so she can feel more valued in their relationship.

I listened to all of this and honestly understood where she was coming from. But I proposed a last “full day hangout,” with my friend to be a kind of last hurrah.

He agreed and we then spent the entirety of the next day doing nothing but hanging out.

We went out to see a movie and then went to a bowling/arcade place afterward. By the end of the night, we were both exhausted and full of every junk food in the book, so we figured we’d leave it there.

Had a smoke in the car together, he dropped me off at my place and hugged me, and then that was that. At least that’s what I thought until I woke up today to missed calls and texts from my friend, his partner, our friend group, etc. I called his partner first and she was mad at me because, in her words, I went on a date with him.

I informed her that that was how we always spent our days together as friends and I do the same with my other close friends, but she wasn’t hearing it and hung up on me. I texted him afterward letting him know what I explained to his partner and asked if something else went down/was said that I needed to know about but he was just as confused as I am.

Our friend group seems to mostly be on my side, save for one girl who’s the partner’s bestie, but I explained what happened to her and she seemed understanding but skeptical.

Now the days are over and I’m not sure how to navigate this.

I’m trying to let everybody know that it was literally the last day as a close friends thing and that we were backing off from each other as soon as the day ended. But his partner is still insisting that I was “desperate” enough to try and seduce her partner and try to be with him.

So, AITJ?”

Another User Comments:

“NTJ. How is this even a debate? The partner has MAD jealousy issues, as well as some deep-rooted insecurities that she needs to figure out. She’s been watching too many of those “girl bestfrien tries to steal your man” TikToks.

You’re not interested and neither is he. If he was he would be seeing you and not her, or at least he’d be trying to see you. She’s not in a very good mindset for seeing someone. You honestly gave her more credit than she deserves and that’s admirable.

She’s confused and angry and lashing out at you and the bf. The best possible situation would be your friend breaking it off with her, and the running-up solution would be you breaking it off with your best friend and running for it.

Needless drama and pettiness, no one needs that.” Kasanova_Love

Another User Comments:

“NTJ. The girl was uncomfortable with y’all hanging out due to your past (which I kinda of get), however, you aren’t the one in the relationship with her that’s on her partner.

He could’ve said no.” ceokc13

Another User Comments:

“NTJ and just a prediction: your friend’s relationship with him is going to last way longer than his romantic relationship with this partner. It sounds like you guys have/had a good thing going and enjoy each other’s company and support each other.

Please don’t let some jealous partner get in between you.” Own-Kangaroo6931

1 points - Liked by lebe

2. AITJ For Choosing Not To Move Back In With My Best Friend After A Seasonal Job?


“So I (22 F) lived with my bestie (21 F) and partner (24 M) for a year in my bestie’s uncle’s house for 700$ a month. We were living in her uncle’s nice 4-bedroom house for very cheap. I never signed any lease and always sent my payments through my best friend.

This price was never a problem since I had a job at the time/parental support.

At the start of June 2023, I took a seasonal job that ended in late September. Since it was not financially smart to pay rent AND not live there I completely moved out in October.

I originally was not going to pay for September rent but she insisted I did and that if I did not I would be financially burdening her. So I paid the rent. In October I moved to another state and worked from Oct to January which brings me to now.

I briefly discussed moving back in with my bestie but nothing was set in stone, and mind you she and her partner were somehow affording rent the whole time I was gone and yet claimed that they could never afford to live in the house if I moved out.

I always insisted on finding roommates even back in 2022/23 and it seemed like I was the only one trying while they did nothing.

Not only that but she suddenly announced that rent would be raised anyway and that we should be looking for new places to live.

This sent me into a bit of a panic because I only have like 1k to my name at the moment and anything more than 700$ is just not fantastic. Especially since I came back without a job lined up.

So I asked her to call her uncle and clarify all of this and yet she never talked to him to my knowledge despite my insistence.

So this weekend I went to my parent’s house and we decided that I should move back in with them for a few months and not pay rent while I return to my old job and get paid 23/hr.

To me, this makes the most sense since I’m looking for an EMT/fire position for my future and I can get paid good money while I job search. And I get it, it’s the end of the month and I was kinda flaky about moving back in with my bestie, but again the plan originally was never me moving back in.

I then got a long text from bestie saying that I damaged our friendship betrayed her trust and that I should have never strung her along. Mind you I got back from my seasonal job on 1/20/24 and she never once thought to find a roommate or other housing options before this!!

She says that because I can’t move in I’m messing her and her partner over and that I took advantage of her. She also said that because I was moving in her uncle stopped looking for new renters which I had no idea about.

Which shouldn’t even matter because my bestie said that she and her partner were only planning to stay until June. So really I’m quite confused on that part.”

Another User Comments:

“NTJ. She communicated poorly, and it sounds like you needed direct communication with the uncle.

Let it blow over. As you said, they’ll deal with their stuff. Also, even with friends, always have a lease. It helps everyone. Really.” Tangerine_Bouquet

Another User Comments:

“NTJ Don’t set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.

No rent is better than $700 or $1000 rent. Clarity is better than not knowing what’s going on. Ultimately staying with your folks is the best move for you. But she’s not your bestie anymore. Too bad.” SquallkLeon

Another User Comments:

“NTJ you explored an option with your bestie and it didn’t work out. Her rent was beyond your means so up decided to move in with your parents. That’s a very reasonable and rational decision. You never signed an agreement and it seems flaky on your friend to raise the rent when they were covering it on their own for a while.

I would also reconsider using the term “bestie” for her too.” [deleted]

1 points - Liked by lebe

1. AITJ For Accidentally Not Inviting My Brother To A DnD Game Night?


“My wife (Simone) and I are in our thirties. We reside out of state and rarely get the opportunity to travel back to our hometown to see family. The primary reason for our trip is to attend my older brother’s (Bart) baby shower.

My younger brother (Tim) in his twenties also lives out of state and specifically traveled back to spend time with me. He was staying with my parents, while my wife and I preferred to stay with her family since staying with mine can be chaotic and stressful.

My wife and I had a packed schedule to see both sides of the family as well as friends.

Planned, Bart, his wife Lola, Simone, and I were to play DND. A prior invitation to Tim to play DND online suggested to me that DND did not interest him since he scoffed at the idea.

The night before playing DND, I was exhausted and went to bed early.

Wednesday morning, I looked at my phone and there was a message from Tim asking what my plan was tomorrow. I misread the date/time, and this is where I feel awful.

I interpreted his message as having been sent that morning. If I had read correctly, I would have realized it was sent the night prior asking what I was doing on Wednesday. I responded to the message as I interpreted it thinking he referenced Thursday.

Wednesday evening was a blast playing DND. It was a great gathering that made fun connections and memories. Unfortunately, the most memorable facet was the aftermath. All of our phones had missed calls from my mom. She left a few messages trying to figure out why Tim was not invited to the game night.

This was followed up by my Dad texting Bart and me that we were raised better than this and that all four of us should be ashamed of ourselves.

Simone and I leave, but it gets way worse when Bart gets on the phone with our parents, and it develops into an explosive screaming match in which past drama is dug up.

Hurtful words were exchanged. Lola heard the conversation and let Simone and me know. After the hurtful conversation, Bart invites my parents to the baby shower. It honestly put a dark shadow on an otherwise lovely trip home.

It may have even altered the dynamic between Bart, Lola, and my parents.

Tim felt that I had intentionally deceived him about the plan to play DND when I would never want to make him feel excluded. I did apologize to Tim.

He, Bart, and I are on decent terms now.

Tim has not always had positive interactions with the sisters-in-law. Bart and I have done our best to keep everyone happy, but Tim can antagonize and make the situation uncomfortable.

Although the perceived exclusion was based on a misunderstanding, I did not specifically give him an invite both because of his lack of interest coupled with his dynamic with Bart, Lola, and Simone.

I felt that my actions caused this rift in my family.

Am I in the wrong for not specifically making him feel invited to play DND?”

Another User Comments:

“Your reply was an honest misunderstanding. That being said, I understand that the game night was at Bart’s. It is not your place to invite anyone to someone else’s house, even your brother to another brother’s house.

It was up to Bart and Lola to extend that invitation unless one of them expressly permitted you to invite him.” TheBrazenSiren

Another User Comments:

“NTJ “Planned, Bart, his wife Lola, Simone, and I were to play DND.

A prior invitation to Tim to play DND online suggested to me that DND did not interest him since he scoffed at the idea.” Do you have screenshots of this you can send to both Tim and your parents?

He didn’t express interest before, but this time he changed his mind. He is an adult and it is HIS responsibility to communicate ‘Hey guys, I know I scoffed at coming but I changed my mind and want to come to play DND with you.

Is the information on the online invitation still correct? Count me in.” Tim and your parents owe all of you a massive apology. Once an invitation is sent to guests, no host is required to chase them around and confirm whether they don’t wanna come/change their minds last minute.

It’s on the guest to let the host know.” Impossible-Tutor-799

Another User Comments:

“Everybody’s a jerk here. It was a mistake on your part but it went blown out of proportion because his feelings were understandably hurt, you’re not a jerk but I think you’re going to have to be the one to heal the rift since it was your mistake that set this in motion.” [deleted]

0 points - Liked by Joels

In this article, we explored various personal dilemmas, from managing family dynamics, handling relationship issues, to dealing with personal boundaries and responsibilities. These stories offer a glimpse into the complex world of interpersonal relationships, and how we navigate the sometimes tricky waters of ethics, empathy, and personal choice. Remember, your perspective matters. Upvote, downvote, and comment on your favorite stories by signing up for a Metaspoon account. Click Log In at the top right corner of this page to get started. Note: Some stories have been shortened and modified for our audiences.