Dog Carries Orphaned Baby Opossums

Our pets can do some unusual things. From burying their toys in the backyard, to bringing dead gifts to our door on occasion, to tearing up the couch cushions with no known intent, all animals have their own little quirks and traits, and at times, acts of disobedience. But hey, we love them anyways!

One canine thought of something even more out-of-the-ordinary when he gave a ride to several furry friends. Lucky for us, this adorable act was caught on film!

In the video, we witness the dark, long-haired dog walking around with five little guys on his back. Can you imagine what they may be? No, they aren’t puppies, kittens, or even rats; they’re baby opossums!

The orphaned opossums clenched onto the pup’s fur as they normally would to their mother as a way of transportation. Can you say, “C-U-T-E”?!

While adult opossums can be terrifying and have no problem hissing at you if you act as a threat to them, baby opossums are not much more ‘dangerous’ than a mouse or a rat. With that said, the dog and the quint of opossums formed a very special – but uncommon – bond!

It may be simple, the video will surely put a smile on anybody’s face. It is not every day that you see a canine casually walking around with a bunch of friends on his back!

In the end, all animals are living things, so why not form friendships out of companionship rather than based on species?

What other unusual animal bonds have you heard of or witnessed first-hand – perhaps a horse and a duck, a giraffe, and a cat, or a turtle and a bird? Let us know!

To get a glimpse of this cuteness, be sure to check out the video below.

Source: Rumble

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