Strangers Find And Return Deceased Husband’s Wedding Band To Widow

In the hustle and bustle of it all, it’s easy to forget how delicate life is. We get caught up in our daily routine running from point a to point b not realizing that life can change in the blink of an eye. And when it does, the consequences can be devastating.

Rhonda Thill’s story is a tough one; a heartbreaking one that nobody should have to go through, but at the very least, it comes with a big act of kindness. It all started with one small remark that got passed around and ended in a very generous show of support.

After 18 years of marriage, highway patrol came and knocked on Rhonda’s door with the terrible news that her husband Randy was killed in a motorcycle accident. In the days following his death, Rhonda received all of his personal belongings with him that tragic night. But one thing was missing, his wedding band. She knew he was wearing it, but figured that with the force of the impact, it could be anywhere on the side of the highway.

As a symbol of her undying love and marriage to her husband, she says about the ring, “I didn’t want it to be just left out there.” Rhonda mentioned her pain and desire to find the band to a close friend who is a biker. Then he mentioned it to someone, who then mentioned it to someone else and all of a sudden, they had the community come together to form a search party, trying to locate the missing ring. There were dozens of them, some of whom Rhonda had never met.

In less than 45 minutes, while on their hands and knees in the waist-high grass, the crew found the ring and brought it back to Rhonda. “It was probably the first time I had a real smile on my face after I stopped crying because I was so happy about it.” It doesn’t bring him back, but she feels at least, she has a little piece of them together again.

Click below to watch this kind gesture that meant so much.

Source: ShareTap

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