Confused Couples Enter Theatre Filled With Tough-Looking Bikers

I’ve never been a fan of a packed theatre, but if I can find two seats not located in the front rows, I’ll stick around. If the two seats were off to the far sides or smack dab front and center, I’d certainly think twice. And as for a theatre filled with rough and tough bikers? Nah. No problem for me, but then again, I’m not everybody!

This guerilla advertising stunt is put on by Carlsberg to spread the awareness of their beer while having a little fun with unsuspecting movie-goers. And the result? Some pretty funny stuff.

Set up at the Kinepolis Theatre in Brussels, 148 bikers took up a whole theatre, leaving only two seats left for a couple to fill. This was unbeknownst to the couples, of course. Each pair paid for their tickets and a camera was set up inside to catch their reactions as they walked in. Some looked really awkward, while others whispered to each other trying to figure out what’s going on.

Some duos walked out and others who attempted to sit down while their partner clearly looked uncomfortable and motioned to leave. For the brave souls who didn’t give up, and actually climbed over the stoic bikers to get to their seats, the gig was up. A spotlight came on, and everyone cheered them on for making the right choice. An ad for Carlsberg came onscreen, and the bikers on either side of the couple had a fresh cold beer waiting for them.

This commercial is a perfect example of how you should never judge a book by its cover!

Click below to watch this pretty cool stunt come to life. Hope this happens to me one day!

Source: Reshareworthy

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