Little Girl’s Impromptu Dance In Middle Of Street Is Pulling At Internet’s Heart Strings

The saying goes, dance like no one is watching, but I think, really, just dance. It doesn’t matter if everyone is watching or no one is watching, because as long as you’re dancing, you’re alive! Where there is music, there is dancing and joy, and that’s all you need. You can make a dance floor out of anything, from a sandy beach to a flattened cardboard box or an empty street, as seen here.

On the streets of Valencia, this little girl heard the music and followed her heart, body, and soul, so fearlessly and with so much love!

Street musician Borja Catanesi has been playing the guitar since he was 15-years-old and hitting the streets to share his gift for some time. In this video, he is playing a much less pop-y version of “Despacito” on his electric guitar. Borja is always posting videos of his encounters playing for people or with other musicians, but it’s this one that’s lighting up the internet with over nine million views! This moment is special for him and the little girl who so freely wandered over to dance up a storm!

According to Borja, “This little girl was next to me dancing for 30 minutes. She had a great time! I love playing music for those who enjoy it.” And enjoy it, she did! She’s shaking around and moving to the beat, her two French braids bopping around and her arms up in the air! Her mother was standing close by and said that her daughter is used to listening to music in the house. Obviously! She’s such a little bubble of light, and I know I could learn a lesson or two from her.

Click below to watch this little sweetheart jam out to some great street music.

Source: ShareTap

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