Missing 3-Year-Old Girl Found Safe After Dog Stays By Her Side

It’s always disheartening and scary to hear news of missing people. Broadcasts are always populated with people reporting their loved ones missing, and as a community, it is our job to lend a hand to the community and the family of missing people, to show our support in finding them. This is exactly what happened when 3-year-old Aurora went missing one night, in Queensland, Australia.

There was no trace of Aurora as of the night of Friday, April 20. Her family was devastated at the thought of having lost their little girl. They live in a rural area in Queensland, and she could have easily wandered off into the woods. A group of 100 or so people came together to search the area for the toddler. They didn’t find her that night.

But, the search resumed as soon as the sun was out the next morning, and to everyone’s relief, the little girl was found by 8 AM.

It’s no doubt that the rescue team and police officers are a true set of heroes in this scenario. But, if there’s someone who is to be thanked for saving Aurora from danger and keeping her warm and alive, it has to be 17-year-old Max, the family’s blue heeler pet dog.

Aurora’s grandma bumped into Max on her way up a mountainous terrain, which the little girl had climbed. As per reports, Max left Aurora’s side for a brief moment when he figured that help was on its way. As soon he came into contact with grandma, he quickly led her to the girl, where a tearful reunion took place.

Max is partially deaf and blind, yet he remained beside his little human, ensuring that nothing happened to her. They’re saying that Aurora was curled up amongst Max’s fur all night and the dog helped her stay warm and sheltered from the rain until someone came to rescue the two.

This story goes to show the loyalty dogs have towards owners and how important it is for children to grow up with their canine friends. We’re so glad that Max and Aurora are reunited with their family! Thank you, Max, for keeping little Aurora safe, we dub thee, hero!

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