While one of my dogs is a homebody and prefers the comfort of her bed and a nice warm blanket, my other two dogs love an adventure. It makes sense if you think about it — day to day, their world is pretty small. Even though we have a big yard and go on lots of walks, they don’t get to see much except the inside of the house and our backyard.
So, when they get to go on an adventure, even if it’s just a ride in the car to the store, they’re incredibly excited. Every trip is something wonderful and new for them. I love to see their faces when they realize that we’re going to go on an outing.
We don’t have a dog park nearby, but there are plenty of parks and hiking trails that we take full advantage of. Sometimes we go out for a half an hour and other times we make it a full day adventure. While they’re excited for a trip out, they’re almost always happy to load up and go home.
The dog in this video doesn’t feel the same. The adorable boxer loves going on a trip to the dog park, and who doesn’t? Not only does she get to enjoy an outing with her favorite human, but she also gets to visit all of her best friends at the park. There, she can run and play to her heart’s content.
But, all good things must come to an end, and she eventually has to leave. Like a little kid who wanted to stay and play at the playground, she throws a massive temper tantrum when it’s time to go.
Watch her adorable protest and howling fit in the video below. Her owner is pretty hilarious, too!