Doggies Board School Bus To “Daycare”

Until I was an adult, I never fully realized that when I was dropped off at school, I wasn’t only getting an education, I was going to daycare! Not “daycare” per se, but I was taken care of during the day when my parents weren’t able to take care of me. I remember, there were Fridays where I didn’t even want to leave school! I asked to stay over the weekend because I had made friends and I was learning cool things, and just having the best time ever!

Don’t get me wrong, I had a great childhood and liked being at home, but home didn’t have big playing blocks. Or swings. Or a playground with cool little rocks. There was so much to do there that I was forced to want to go back every day. I know my parents were glad I was enjoying myself because otherwise, they would hate to watch me go every morning in a fit of tears.

I imagine these dogs, who are on their way to “school,” feel just as I did because their excitement is quite visible. Their tails are wagging and they’re eagerly waiting for their ride.

At the Good Hand Boarding Kennels in Cape Breton, Canada, pups don’t have to sit around bored at home, waiting for their owner to come back from work. Instead, these lucky canines get picked up from home, whatever the weather, and loaded on a mini-school bus with other lucky doggies who all get to travel together to the daycare. Some of the parents even give their pup a backpack to bring with them! They’re all independent of their mom and dad and ready to take on the world every day.

Each dog gets a ride in his/her kennel, and each kennel is safely secured so as not to topple over. All safety measures are in place before the bus driver drives off with his group of excited pups. Although some pups are still getting used to the ride, once the bus stops and those doors open, they are definitely in for a treat! It’s free reign for these tail-wagging, happy doggies as they run into the open grass park equipped with a trampoline, a doggie see-saw, a couple of fire hydrants and each other.

Click below to watch this daycare for dogs that keeps everyone happy!

Source: Shareably

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