Rescued Baby Sun Bear Learns To Walk Again

Those who rescue animals are true heroes. It’s right when people say that heroes come in all shapes and sizes, and this includes everyone at Free the Bears, as well.

There are so many rescue groups and organizations that rescue animals and bring them to shelters, or environments, where they can be safe and learn to live a normal life. These groups may not be able to get to EVERY animal in need, but they make it a mission to get to all the ones they can, without wasting too much time — the quicker they work, the more animals they can save.

Going back to Free the Bears, this organization saved Blue, a Cambodian sun bear cub. The rescuers noticed that the poor bear could barely walk. He seemed to have spinal cord injury, and they guess that it was caused by some sort of physical trauma, from when Blue was really young.

Although Blue took a couple of steps, he would easily tire out and lay back down. He wasn’t mobile enough to match the likes of other bears of his breed and age. Free the Bears ensured that Blue keep trying to walk properly, and for a longer period, so he could get accustomed to being mobile again.

At first, the cub would easily give up. But, with months of practice, everything changed, and now Blue is on a roll!

Click on the link below to watch the improvement this cub has made!

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