13-Year-Old Girls Sings “I Will Always Love You”

Tell me the truth—sometimes you go on YouTube just to watch a bunch of insane kids cover songs that leave your mind blown. No need to be ashamed! We’re humans with guilty pleasures, who cares?

Down below we have another video to add to your “guilty-pleasure” playlist on YouTube. This video is from “The Voice Kids” all the way from Germany. 13-year-old Laura Kamhuber stepped onto the stage nervously, but if she had truly realized her talent before stepping on, all of her doubts would’ve disappeared. 

The song that the young girl decides to tackle is, as one of the judges — Tim Bendzko — remarks at the end of her performance, the “forbidden song.” A song that she was not allowed to sing, “because it’s unsingable.” You guessed it. She sings “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston. And boy did she sing it.

She starts off, and right away the audience cheers! A mere 25 seconds later and not one, but two judges — Tim and Henning Wehland — push their buttons and turn to face the small girl with the big voice. Ten seconds later, the final judge, Lena Meyer-Landrut, turns around.

In the back, Laura’s family cheers and cries for her as she continues to belt out the notes effortlessly in perfect pitch. In between her taking breaths to sing again, Laura smiles brightly at the judges.

A few moments later, Laura goes for the higher octave change and nails its, and the judges lose it! (I’m not even being dramatic.) They stand on their feet and cheer, or stand with their mouths agape.

All the judges are fighting for her at the end but do you want to know who she chooses? Click on the link below and find out!

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