2-Year-Old Sings Along To Adele

What 2-year-old doesn’t like to sing? It’s at this age that they have a small vocabulary and are starting to string together sounds to form words to form sentences to form the beginnings of songs to music. Sometimes it’s incoherent, but the effort is there as these toddlers pick up words and music from everywhere imaginable! From TVs to radio, to anything mom and dad are talking about, toddlers have the uncanny ability to soak up whatever’s around them.

This toddler is Makena, and she loves to sing, and is really darn good at it for a 2-year old! Mom Heather says Makena has a favorite song, and it’s pretty mature for a toddler her age. It isn’t from anything childlike, not from any of the shows she watches or mom puts on for her. It’s quite remarkable what Makena’s choice song is!

While the little girl is sitting on the kitchen counter, mom starts to play “Someone Like You” by Adele, and Makena begins to sing along! Here is this two-year-old, keeping up in time, and more or less in pitch and actually getting a good portion of the words right. She is on point with her precious baby voice that’s able to carry the tune.

Makena’s rendition is pretty outstanding – mom and dad should really be proud of their daughter’s developmental skills. She’s a very keen little girl! In a few years, with a bit of fine-tuning and coaching, she could really hone in on her technique and be a fantastic performer.

Click below to catch Makena’s kitchen debut!

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