Boy Goes To Hug Dog Left Alone In Garage

Like the man in the video says, security cameras are supposed to catch the bad guys and protect the home from anything unforeseen. However, I’m sure this family is so glad to know that their security camera captured a sweet gesture on behalf of a little boy.

Everyone loves dogs, but it’s true to say that children have a special bond with our furry friends, and pups in return are always protective of their young owners. In this story, the little boy isn’t the dog’s owner, but he definitely is a good friend.

The video below shows a family dog relaxing in the garage; the owner has left both the garage doors open and the black Labrador, named Duchess, is left to stay outdoors. The dog is not tied to a leash.

Then you see a little boy, Josh, come into the frame of the camera on his bike. He quickly hops off and dashes towards the dog who also seems excited at seeing him. Josh takes Duchess into a big hug, and the two share a tender human-pet moment together. Then, Josh is quickly gone. It’s almost like he understands that he shouldn’t be there and if he gets caught, he can land in some trouble.

The footage surfaced after homeowner Hollie Mallet was reviewing her security tape. Hollie and her husband were ecstatic to see that Josh was so loving towards their dog; they took to Facebook with this video and asked their friends if they knew who the little boy was.

It turned out that the boy was from their neighborhood. Josh’s mom saw the post and commented saying that it was a happy and sad moment for her as a mom, to see her son on someone else’s property when he knows he shouldn’t be there. But there’s a backstory to Josh’s love for Duchess, and it will completely melt your heart.

Click on the link below to see the heartwarming footage and the rest of the story!

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