Lost Dog Cries When Reunited With Owner After 6 Days

It’s a pet owner’s worst nightmare — losing your pet. Sometimes, no matter how careful you are, pets get lost. All kinds of things can happen. Perhaps someone accidentally leaves a gate open, or your dog slips its collar off when you’re out for a walk. Or, like the dog in this video, a usually calm dog is spooked by fireworks or a thunderstorm and runs off. No matter the cause, not knowing where your precious pet is or if they are safe can be absolutely terrifying. 

There are a few things you can do to help increase the chances of finding your pet in the event they are lost. ID tags and microchips are the best ways to reunite lost animals with their owners. “We suggest that the tag should have the cell phone number of the pet parent, the cell number of an emergency contact, the landline of the pet parent, and if the person is comfortable doing so, the street address of their home,” suggests Dr. Emily Weiss, a certified-applied animal behaviorist and vice president of shelter research and development for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

After being frightened by fireworks and running off, the adorable little dog in this video was lost for six days, wandering the neighborhood. She finally showed up a neighbor’s house who recognized her and contacted the owner. The emotional video shows that dog’s reaction when she is finally reunited with her owner. The poor little thing can’t stop crying!

“She couldn’t find my house, so she ended up walking four or five times as far to another house she was familiar with and I ended up getting a phone call,” said her owner, who was absolutely thrilled that her precious pet was found safe.

I’m so happy this video ends happily! Please like and share!

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