Owners Put Fart Machine In Front Of Confused Pug

As human beings, we are surprisingly tricky to entertain. Who hasn’t sat down in front of the television, with hundreds of channels to choose from, and thought, “There’s nothing to watch!” You spend thirty minutes flipping through channels and looking at the guide, only to watch something that you’ve watched several times before.

When you consider streaming options, like Netflix and Hulu, it gets even worse. Thousands of television shows and movies are available at the touch of a button. Yet, I can’t count the number of times I have spent close to an hour looking through shows and films, only to be overwhelmed by the number of choices. 

We spend large amounts of money and even travel to distant corners of the earth to entertain ourselves. There’s nothing wrong with that. People need and appreciate arts, entertainment, and learning new things. But, sometimes it seems as if we are not satisfied with the simple things that we have right in front of us.

When I look at my pets, especially my dogs, I notice that this is not a problem that they share. Their lives are relatively small and contained, consisting mostly of the house, yard, and a few adventures to the park and occasional rides in the car. Their day revolves around me, each other, meal times, and their favorite toys. Their lives are straightforward, and it doesn’t take much to keep them entertained.

Any change or new thing is a curiosity to them, as it is for the adorable pug in this video. Grimley’s owners bought him, of all things, a fart machine. When they turn it on, he has no idea what to think! But, it’s only a few minutes before he starts to bounce and growl, barking and interacting with the little box.

I’ve pulled a couple of fun pranks with my sister’s dog, but nothing to this extent. I wonder what she would do if I ever brought a fart machine over and let it go. I think it would be hilarious, to say the least!

Have you pulled a prank like this with your pup? If you don’t have a puppy, have you tried pranking any one of your other pets? If so, share your prank stories with us in the comments! We always love a good laugh.

Watch Grimley in the hilarious video below and please like and share!

Source: Rumble

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