Little Girl Puts A Spin On Irish Dancing

A truly creative person can draw connections, to see patterns between seemingly disconnected things and objects. What’s so neat about these kinds of people is their ability to combine variables and make them into something new or never seen before. This attitude is what pushes innovation, art, pop culture – life!

It doesn’t matter how old or experienced or inexperienced you are. It’s merely the ability to pick up on something that no one else has. Or, to take something that everyone else already does and amp it up a notch, giving the skill/talent a new spin. Now, THAT is just what 8-year-old Kate McCafferty does in the video below.

Taking over a corridor in the Foleyside Shopping Centre in Derry, Northern Ireland, this creative little girl brought together an unusual form of dancing and music that blew everyone away. Kate is a toe-tapping Irish dancer with some seriously epic dance moves. Rather than dancing to the usual river dance music, Kate opted to go one step further. She got a hold of a Michael Jackson song mix that included “Smooth Criminal,” “Bad,” and “Thriller,” and danced a seriously awesome Irish jig to the legend’s best hits. She also paid homage to the superstar by incorporating a few of his signature dance moves alongside hers!

Kate’s ingenuity is applause-worthy. She seamlessly brings together the tradition and culture of the Irish but showcases it in a way no one had seen before. Her unique dance is respectful of both genres and beautiful to watch. Everyone was super impressed, especially with her high kicks and moonwalk. This girl is wow.

Click below to catch her show-stopping performance that stopped the crowd dead in the tracks.

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