Young Man Performs Original Song About Losing Adoptive Mom

Out of suffering comes some of the world’s best songs. No joke — I think of Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” or The Police’s “Every Breath You Take,” just to name a few! Even incredible art is created when the artist is living in dire poverty or experiencing personal trauma and grief about a ravaged world.

Without heartbreak, we wouldn’t be able to appreciate the beauty life has to offer. The sweet things just wouldn’t be as sweet and would go unappreciated or be taken for granted. Showing gratitude, just like this young man did, is something we could all do a little more of.

Brandon Elder was born to a very young, single mother. Unsure what to do with her baby, she traded him in for a car. He was later adopted by his step-grandmother, Patricia Elder when he was 10-months-old. Patricia raised him as her own. She gifted him his first guitar when he was a teen, and he has been diligently learning and practicing on his own ever since.

When Patricia fell ill with cancer, Brandon dropped out of college to be by her side. He played on his guitar in between treatments to help soothe her pain. He was with her until the moment she passed away, and her death became the inspiration for a song he later wrote, called “Gone.”

This song is the one he performs for his “American Idol” audition –  it was a risky choice! The judges admitted that original songs could be nightmarish to present, the content not resonating with the judges or not showcasing the singer’s voice well enough. This time around, however, the judges were bowled over with Brandon’s voice and presence – his story was one for the books, too.

Click below to catch Brandon’s incredible story and soulful performance that sets him apart from the rest.

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