Unhappy Dog Presses On Horn When Owners Leave Her In Car

Most people have realized by now that dogs, like humans, are unique individuals with their individual personalities. Also, like humans, a dog’s personality can be shaped somewhat by their environment, but they are born with certain traits that are difficult to change, even with training.

Certain breeds are more energetic than others.  Some dogs are good at dog sports like agility or flyball, while others prefer to do their own thing on their schedule. One dog may be aloof and independent; then other dogs are high-maintenance and require constant attention from their owners. 

I have three dogs, add one more that I look after during the day, and there are four dogs in my house at any given time. They are all different ages and range in size from eight pounds to 85 pounds. It can be a little chaotic, and a lot of that has to do with all of the different personalities. The small dogs are nervous rescues in need of constant reassurance, the middle sized dog is older, independent, and prefers to be left alone, while the largest is a former working dog with a ton of energy, requiring almost constant attention.

I imagine that he is most like the dog in the video below — an absolute attention hog. When this dog, a boxer, is left alone in the car while her owners go inside, she is less than pleased. She climbs into the driver seat, which is hilarious in itself because she looks the driver of the car. Then, she calmly sits there and uses her paw to press on the horn over and over. It may not seem like she knows what she’s doing, but I bet it gets her owner’s attention and they come right back!

This guy is one smart pup. Watch this hilarious dog in the video below and please like and share!


Source: Reshareworthy

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