39 Little Singers Take The Stage To Sing “Sound Of Music” Rendition

The term “power in numbers” is best demonstrated through the harmonic beauty of a choir. One voice is incredible, but if you multiply that 20 fold, together, they create something big. I’ve always loved concerts with solo artists, but when it’s a choir that’s performing, there’s nothing like that pure, unharnessed power to send shivers down your spine. There’s just something about staggered voices that rings in a sense of the divine. Maybe it’s the group energy, the singing notes, the sounds that reverberate between walls – who knows!

The following video is stunning. It’s a choir singing such a well-known classic, loaded with so much history, meaning, feeling. And it’s such a simple song! There aren’t many words, the length is short, the message is straightforward, and yet, there is so much emotion packed in Edelweiss, from “The Sound Of Music.” This version is sung by the Armenian Little Singers, part of The World’s Little Singers organization. Members of the choir range in ages 11-18, and they sing everything from jazz to contemporary to religious.

In the video, the choir is donning plain navy blue jumpers with white bell-sleeved blouses. Their hair is pulled back from their little faces. They may be small, but their voices are remarkable. The beginning of the song is rather quiet and unassuming. They sound gentle and calm, but as the music goes on, they pick up force, projecting outward and injecting more emotion. This is the song that Captain Von Trapp sings while bidding farewell to his beloved homeland in “The Sound Of Music.”

The song is extended, quickly gaining speed and volume. The singers sway from side to side, creating a bit of an optical illusion. Their talent is undeniable, and just look at their size! These itty bitty singers collectively have such presence, such grandeur as they come together to pull off a mega classic song in harmony. Even the director can’t help but get involved and become overcome with emotion, his gestures picking up drama. He must be proud of his group nailing the tone and cadence of the song. It’s truly a job well done. The overall performance is profound. Such a beautiful sound!

There’s no doubt you’ll be singing this song all day once you’ve watched this wonderful rendition a few times. It’s too good to only see once.

Click below to see it all seamlessly come together, as this choir shows off their true talent.

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