30 Examples Of Strange Animal Behaviour

Animals are delightfully weird – at least in our eyes. What leaves scientists in awe and scratching their heads, might just be another dull day in the life of a fainting goat or a hungry reptile satiating his hunger with rocks.

There are just some things we cannot explain. Sure there are theories, and hypotheses but some of these patterns and rituals are just beyond comprehension. All scientists and researchers can do is observe and continue to study the phenomena that unfold around us from the jungle, to the city, to the forest, and beyond. The animal kingdom is a wondrous world, teaching us new things every day, expanding our knowledge past the point of what we thought we knew, into the wacky. 

Here are 30 of the weirdest animal behaviors that we just can’t fully wrap our heads around.

30. Turkeys Circling Dead Cat

Yep, a gang of turkeys circling a dead cat. Alan Krakauer, a biologist at the University of California, says it could be a “predator inspection.” This is a scare tactic, used by animals lower in the food chain who are usually considered prey, to show the predator that their presence is known, in an attempt to scare the predator away.

Each turkey follows the other’s tail as a way to stick together, or show more power in numbers. However, the predator is dead, meaning there is no danger, no risk. It’s possible the gang is waiting for the predator to wake up. Also, turkeys don’t eat dead animals. Another explanation could be that they are stuck in this rhythmic dance, waiting for the “alpha turkey” to break the cycle. What a bunch of turkeys!

29. Squid Beaching Themselves

In the days leading up to an earthquake, nearby San Diego residents awoke to find dozens of jumbo squids washed ashore, flapping around in the sand. Even more showed up an hour after the earthquake had subsided, prompting residents and biologists to raise an eyebrow – could these squids have collectively sensed the earthquake before it happened?

They were washed ashore looking mentally deranged – not physically ill, scientists agreeing that it’s something abnormal because these squids are typically intelligent creatures, not stupidly drawn to bright lights or shiny objects. Calamari, anyone?

28. Crabs That Shake Pom-Poms

Ra-Ra cheerleading…crabs?? These tiny crabs measuring no more than an inch go by the moniker “boxer crabs” or “cheerleading crabs” because they are usually seen with two anemones in tow. But what’s with the strange accessories? It’s possible that the poisonous anemones add to the size of the crab, making him appear larger to help deter predators. When scientists took the anemones away from the crab, he would steal more from a fellow crab or break one apart to form clones. Truly a bizarre pairing.

27. Millions Of Swarming Red Crabs

On Christmas Island (located south of Indonesia, northwest of Australia), millions upon millions of teeny tiny, itty bitty red crabs swarm the island, once a year.

It starts on the shoreline where the red larvae hatch and move from their nesting spot, migrating towards the jungle to meet a population of 120 million crabs that live on the floor of the rainforest. Here’s the catch – where they hatch and where they go to live, are on two opposite sides of the island, so this moving swarm of minuscule crabs has to migrate over roads, beaches, and properties to safely make it to their destination. It’s honestly a unique sight to see!

26. Rock Swallowing Crocodiles

Maybe crocodiles aren’t hungry for humans after all? These reptiles, before diving in the water,  have been known to snack on… rocks!

Scientists speculate that this stone eating habit may help digest the last bits of leftover food from their previous meal, crushing and grinding the bones and shells of their prey. Another explanation can be that the stones may help them feel more full. Or, it could be that the added weight helps with their buoyancy, keeping them below the water to help them swim better.

Scientists aren’t entirely sure, but needless to say, crocs swallowing rocks is here to stay.

Hold on! There are 25 MORE weird animal rituals and strange attitudes to be found in the link below. Click to see what other peculiarities nature has in store.

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