Mom Feeds Baby Girl Bite, But It’s The Following Moment That Has Internet Delighted

When I’m hungry, I’m HUNGRY. Everything else becomes less of a priority when visions of food come dancing through my mind. I’ll stop whatever I’m doing the moment I feel that all too familiar hunger pang. I’ve become a master at preparing sandwiches in a hurry or dashing to the corner store to throw something together in a jiffy. And when I have a craving? Watch out, people.

Satiating that hungry feeling or giving into a craving feels so good. When that first scrumptious bite of creamy ice cream, sweet watermelon or salty ketchup chips hits your lips, it’s a feeding frenzy from there on out. You just can’t get enough! And neither can sweet baby Caroline who is clearly a big little foodie!

Caroline is in her own seat at a restaurant with her parents. It’s a normal outing for the family that always proves to be an entertaining one. When it comes to giving Caroline a little baby bite of food, mom Erica Faulhaber says that it’s a “party in every bite” for the little girl who just loves being fed.

The video opens to Caroline eagerly waiting for a bite, her eyes wide and legs excitedly kicking up a storm beneath her seat. Her arms are held high, pudgy fists waving in the air anticipating the arrival of food – she just can’t possibly be more excited. Caroline’s baby bird position is so adorable. Surely, mom and dad have watched their daughter’s face a hundred times, yet we can hear them laughing their heads off in the background as though it was the first time. Who knew you could look this cute being hungry?! Nothing is sweeter than the happy sounds of a baby being fed.

Watch Caroline’s too sweet-for-words reaction.

Source: ShareTap

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