Father And Son Pop Balloon For Gender Reveal And Toddler Isn’t Pleased With The Results

“Do you want a brother or a sister?” It’s a question parents ask their children when they’re expecting, and they expect two answers, but really, it has four different answers: “Brother,” “Sister,” “I don’t want a brother or sister” or “I want a dog.” Well, luckily, Joel and Courtney Parlour’s son wanted a brother and forwent the latter two options.

In the video down below, the couple is expecting a baby, and after a few months of waiting, they were finally able to do a baby reveal with their son. There is an abundance of different ways to do baby reveals as they’re especially popular now and people are coming up with all sorts of ideas, but the couple chose the perfect way to reveal to their son. (Who again, wanted a baby brother.) 

Courtney records the video as her son and husband sit by the wall with a big, black balloon, and a knife in hand, ready to pop the balloon and reveal the gender of the baby.

The son, whose just a toddler himself, sits beside his dad with a smile on his face. Joel tells him, as he holds the balloon, “This is going to tell you if it’s a boy or a girl, are you ready?”

Joel asks his son if he wants to be the one to pop the balloon and he excitedly says, “Yeah!” He gives him the knife and together, they hold it up to the balloon. It takes them four tries, but they pop it, releasing pink confetti!

The boy’s reaction is immediate and hilarious. As he takes in the pink colored confetti on the floor, he starts walking backward and gives a great response—“Oh no!” You can see the poor kid’s disappointment, but I’m sure he loves his baby sister who was born mid-2017.

If you’d like to see the reaction, here’s the video!

Article source: FaithTap

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