Emotional Baby Listens To Andrea Bocelli Sing For The First Time

Andrea Bocelli is one of the most stunning singers, hands-down. If your jaw didn’t drop when hearing his flawless voice for the first time, I don’t know what else would lead to that reaction. Not only that but Andrea’s past of being born with poor eyesight followed by blindness by the young age of 12, is an inspiration. This Italian man is surely one to look up to, someone who can inspire others to go above any illness, diagnosis, or setback they face in life to let talent shine through.

While one would assume Bocelli’s mature, strong voice would merely appeal to an older crowd, even a baby found his voice an inspiration! Can you say you’re surprised? Probably not! After all, Andrea Bocelli is not a force to be reckoned with.

On one Sesame Street episode, Andrea was featured, singing alongside Elmo, a beautiful tune before bed to try to get the little guy to fall asleep quicker. Fortunately for Anna Feldman and her son Abriel, they were not only watching the episode, but mom was also recording little Abriel’s reaction to hearing Bocelli, and it is a definite must-watch.

Through the viral video, Abriel has a series of smiles, emotional frowns, followed by smiles again after hearing the singer’s gorgeous lullaby to the furry, red puppet. We even notice at several parts of the video Abriel’s eyes filling with tears.

Abriel was incredibly engaged through the song, neither turning away of boredom nor getting distracted by an outside source. His sweet reactions prove to us that even the little ones are emotionally moved by the singer-songwriter.

Forget children’s classics and Baby Mozart; this adorable baby is well beyond his years!

This little boy reminds me of the fact that children are sensitive and feel every emotion, just like adults. I like to believe that because they don’t have a filter, and are so honest growing up, little kids are more open to expressing their anger, sadness, love and other emotions, than us adults. Where we think it’s ok to bottle up and keep what we’re feeling inside us, these little guys teach us that it’s completely ok to do the opposite.

Let it go, it’ll always make you feel better. It’s an important lesson to learn from the children and toddlers around us!

To see the baby’s reaction to hearing Bocelli, check out the below video.

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