Bored Twin Watches As Sister Plays Piano, Then She Joins In And Performance Changes

One of the greatest perks of having a twin is being able to pull off fun stunts at the drop of a hat. Twins are connected on so many levels, physically, mentally, spiritually – from that “indescribable” gut feeling one experiences about the other, to the fun pranks they can pull on any given day. Even on a cellular level, they’re in cahoots!

Identical twin girls Angelina and Ashely Leyva are free-spirited teens who are talented pianists as well as aspiring actresses. In this video, they partake in a little carefree stunt that is fun and impromptu.

They are first seen running into a piano store and settling on a glossy red one. The first twin sits down to bang out a tune, as the other appears bored. The unenthused twin motions for sis to move out, and starts to play a completely different song. Both girls have now taken over two pianos, as they carry on their songs.

They are experts; both, by the looks of it, know how to tickle those ivories! And then comes the fun part – they both pull a momentary stunt, before a switcheroo. Their performance is not only spontaneous and joyful; they’ve managed to sneak in a few tricks to keep viewers entertained!

Click below to catch the twins in action, ruling the pianos at their local piano store. I sure hope the staff was impressed because these girls just came in and brightened the day!

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